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Preklad - Anglicky-Arabsky - You might be the one I've always been looking for

Momentálny stavPreklad
Tento text je dostupný v nasledujúcich jazykoch: ItalskyAnglickyArabsky

Kategória Veta - Láska/ Priateľstvo

You might be the one I've always been looking for
Pridal(a) aouatif
Zdrojový jazyk: Anglicky Preložil(a) Starfire

You might be the one I've always been looking for but unfortunately I am incapable of writing to you like this without help. Moreover I cannot think of anything other than abusing this language in order to strike directly to your heart. So try to understand me when I answer solely with my eyes or when I suffer and don't pick up the calls. I love you and I wouldn't want to remain empty-handed watching you run to him when he comes.
Poznámky k prekladu
La frase "Di più non riesco a pensare come questa lingua di cui sto abusando per colpirti direttamente al cuore" è molto ambigua, altre interpretazioni potrebbero essere: "Moreover I cannot think of anything other than abusing this language in order to strike you right at the heart" oppure "Moreover I cannot even think in/like this language I'm abusing in order to strike you right at the heart".

"Rimanere con un pugno di mosche" (in mano è superfluo) è un'espressione idiomatica italiana che per quanto ne so non ha una forma equivalente in inglese.

أنت قد تكون الشخص الذي كنت أبحث عنه دائماً

Preložil(a) pink pain
Cieľový jazyk: Arabsky

أنت قد تكون الشخص الذي كنت أبحث عنه دائماً ، لكن لسوء الحظ أنا غير قادر على الكتابة لك من دون مساعدة. بالإضافة إلى أنني لا أستطيع التفكير في أي شيء سوى استغلال هذه اللغه لأصيب مباشرة قلبك. لذا حاول أن تفهمني عندما أجيب فقط بعيني أو عندما أعاني و لا أرد على مكالماتك. أنا أحبك ولم أرد أن أكون صفر اليدين أراكِ تركضين له حينما يأتي.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané elmota - 5 novembra 2007 10:08

Posledný príspevok


25 októbra 2007 09:40

Počet príspevkov: 744
hi pink pain, the arabic version is very weak, many gramatical mistakes, missing letters, wrong letters... can u please revise?