Sandra Prodanovic njen PR tima Vas mole da ovaj - Official My Space Page, Sandre Prodanovic stavite u TOP friends. Tako cete pomoci napredku i promociji lika i dela Vase pevacice - Sandre Prodanovic!
Puno pozdrava za sve prave Fanove od Sandre Prodanovic njenog PR tima!
Maelezo kwa mfasiri
courrier que j'ai reçu sur myspace de la part d'une personne yougoslave
Sandra Prodanovic and her P(ublic)R(elations) team are asking you to put this OFFICIAL MY SPACE PAGE of Sandra Prodanovic to your TOP FRIENDS LIST. In that way you'll help/support improvement and promotion of portrait and work of your singer – Sandra Prodanovic.
Many regards to all real fans from Sandra Prodanovic and her PR team. <bridge>
Je n'ai pas traduit my space car il porte le même nom en France.