23 Lugha ya kimaumbile Entschuldigung,es tut mir leid Entschuldigung,es tut mir leid will mich entschuldigen Tafsiri zilizokamilika Excusez - moi, je suis désolé.. Scusami, mi dispiace Perdón, lo siento Excuse me, I'm sorry. Perdoa-me,sinto muito. Özür dilerim, üzgünüm. Συγνώμη, λυπάμαι ИзвинÑÑŽÑÑŒ, мне очень жаль oprostite أعذرني ØŒ أنا متأسّÙ. Уучлаарай Wybacz, jest mi przykro. | |
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393 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". Inbox‎ Junk‎ Drafts‎ ... You can't pay online with ca credit card. Because of the last inconvenience the principal manager banned all online payment options. We explain you how you could pay, it's very easy. Put the money onto a friend's name or a relative and send them in UK, we verify the transfer and if everything it's ok we make you the shipping and send you the products. After you will recive the goods you will have to change the reciver name so we can get the money. Thank You ! Tafsiri zilizokamilika Gelen kutusu -junk- henüz gönderilmemiş e posta mesajları | |
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