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Tłumaczenie - Turecki-Angielski - “Core and shell’’ esasına göre inÅŸaatı...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: TureckiAngielski

Kategoria Wyrażenie - Biznes / Praca

“Core and shell’’ esasına göre inşaatı...
Wprowadzone przez sheb
Język źródłowy: Turecki

“Core and shell’’ esasına göre inşaatı yapılmış olan binanın, kullanım mahallerinde ki mekanik tesisatları, kullanım ihtiyaçlarına ve binanın mekanik tasarımının ana yapısına uyumlu olacak şekilde muhtelif mekanik tesisat, mütahitleri tarafından 2.aşama olarak yapılmıştır.

Binanın ana tesisat tasarımına bağlı olarak bazı mahallerde karışım havalı hava santralleri kullanılmış, bazı mahaller ise taze hava santralleri ve yüksek basınçlı fan-coillere yer verilmiştir

construction done according to the fundaments of "Core and shell"

Tłumaczone przez kafetzou
Język docelowy: Angielski

The mechanical installations in the neighbourhoods where the building, whose construction was done according to the fundaments of "Core and shell", will be used, and various mechanical installations conforming to the needs for which it will be used and to the mechanical design of the foundations, have been constructed by the contractors as the second stage.

In connection with the design of the building's foundations, in some of the neighbourhoods centralized air with mixed air was used, wherease in other neighbourhoods centralized fresh air and high-pressure fan coils were installed.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez kafetzou - 18 Grudzień 2006 00:52