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Traducció - Búlgar-Anglès - Любов Аз жажда съм,

Estat actualTraducció
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: BúlgarAnglèsPortuguès

Любов Аз жажда съм,
Enviat per elizabete margarida
Idioma orígen: Búlgar

Любов Аз жажда съм, а ти вода си,аз огън съм, а ти – море,пленен от твойта красотавъв страсти пламенно гори сърце. А ти богиня си – неземна,събрала в погледа любов и плам,и таз душа тъй чиста и нетленна,не бива нивга никой да остане сам.


Traduït per ViaLuminosa
Idioma destí: Anglès

Love I'm thirst and you are water, I'm fire, you - sea, enchanted by your beauty my ardent heart is burning with desire. And you are heavenly goddess, your eyes (are) infused with love and flame and your soul (is) so pure and immortal, no one should ever be left alone.
Darrera validació o edició per lilian canale - 10 Juliol 2008 00:26

Darrer missatge


7 Juliol 2008 15:02

Nombre de missatges: 1116
This translation should become "meaning only" - it's poetry.

7 Juliol 2008 16:33

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Hi Via,

Being poetry is not a reason for a text to become "meaning only".
That device is used when the text lacks discritics, is written in different characters from the original of the language or its structure is not perfect. Or even when the author of the request, himself decides that he does not need a perfect translation, but a loose one just to know about the meaning of what is written.

7 Juliol 2008 16:50

Nombre de missatges: 1116
So you are telling me that I should translate it like a professional poetry translator - with all the rhyme etc.

7 Juliol 2008 17:05

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Well, that would be the ideal translation, however we know how difficult that may be. At the poll we verify if the meaning is correct and some members who are a bit more gifted on poetry may help. About rhyme, structured poetry demands it mostly and if possible, of course we can take some poetic licence and try to get the rhyme.

But don't worry, this is not a literary contest, we just do our best!

7 Juliol 2008 21:37

Nombre de missatges: 1116
I'm quite sure that it was an agreement among admins poetry requests to go automatically "meaning only". No one can expect on site like this the paramount of translation that even few professionals do - poetry. Absurd!

7 Juliol 2008 21:57

Nombre de missatges: 1
смисълът го има но превода не е точен

7 Juliol 2008 22:17

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
That started to be discussed, but it hasn't been decided yet.

7 Juliol 2008 22:28

Nombre de missatges: 1116
Какво му е точно неточното, jeje_92?