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Traducció - Anglès-Serbi - I read books for the blind.They don't pay me for...

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I read books for the blind.They don't pay me for...
Enviat per maja-95
Idioma orígen: Anglès

I read books for the blind.They don't pay me for it.I usually enjoy doing it,but it depends on the book.I prefer novels to other kinds of books.I don't have to read slowly.I read quickly and clearly.

ÄŒitam knjige slepima. ...

Traduït per maki_sindja
Idioma destí: Serbi

Čitam knjige slepima. Ne plaćaju me za to. Obično uživam da to radim, ali to zavisi od knjige. Više volim romane od ostalih vrsta knjiga. Ne moram da čitam polako. Čitam brzo i jasno.
Darrera validació o edició per Cinderella - 22 Gener 2009 01:42