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Traducció - Turc-Anglès - gost

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Enviat per abhishek
Idioma orígen: Turc

DÜZ İPLİK (Yukarıdaki teksture iplik için denye ve flaman verileri düz iplik için de geçerli olup, veriler girildikten sonra(AŞAĞIDAKİ) düz iplik cinsinden uygun olana (X) konulduğunda düz iplik referans maliye


Traduït per kafetzou
Idioma destí: Anglès

SIMPLE YARN (if the denier and filament data for the textured yarn above are also valid for the simple yarn, after the data have been entered, when an (X) has been marked by the appropriate type of simple yarn, it [becomes] the reference material
Notes sobre la traducció
The subject of this passage, "iplik" can mean "thread", "yarn", or "filament", but since they seem to have used the French word for filament, written as "flaman" in Turkish, I assume that what they are talking about is a type of yarn or thread. The word "becomes" is not there, but it would logically follow the part that has been excerpted to complete the sentence (there is not verb, so the sentence is not complete).
Darrera validació o edició per cucumis - 9 Desembre 2006 08:37