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Traducerea - Lituaniană-Engleză - Kai ore pasklinda cinamono kvapas Ir ponas...

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Kai ore pasklinda cinamono kvapas Ir ponas...
Înscris de sigis68
Limba sursă: Lituaniană

Kai ore pasklinda cinamono kvapas

Ir ponas besmegenis išdygsta kieme,

Viskas panašu į jaukų gražų sapną,

Kuriame švenčiate drauge.

Nors tą vieną naktį stebuklais patikėsit,

Laimės, meilės, turtų viens kitam linkėsit.

Bet kai atsibusit švenčių linksmą rytą,

Rasit, kad čia būta svečio neprašyto.

To, kuris aplanko kartÄ… per metus

Ir namuos paskleidžia savo stebuklus.

Galit tuo tikėti, galite ir ne –

Dovaną surasit auštant po egle!

Gražių ir jaukių švenčių, sėkmingų

When the smell of cinnamon is in the air And mister...

Tradus de Immortal4321
Limba ţintă: Engleză

When the smell of cinnamon is in the air

And Mr.Snowman turns up in the courtyard,

Everything looks like a warm, beautiful dream,

In which you celebrate together

And even for that one night you'll believe in miracles,

Good fortune, love, riches you'll wish for each other.

But when you wake up in the holiday morning,

You'll find that there has been an unwanted guest.

The one, who visits once a year

And spreads his miracles in the house.

You can believe it if you want-

In the morning you'll find a present under the Christmas tree!

Good, warm and lucky holidays!

Observaţii despre traducere
gali būti klaidų
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 5 Martie 2009 22:41

Ultimele mesaje


5 Martie 2009 14:31

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 45
"In which YOU celebrate together", "...wish FOR each other", "unwanted GUEST"...