Maalesef hiçbir şey yapamadım galiba fiatı yüksek buldular ford 5000 için 230.00$ istemiştim bir haber çıkmadı çok üzgünüm çok mahçubum işler hiç böyle durmazdı tie rotları sipariş adetince üretiriz ilk siparişte sizin için fazla üreteceğim. sizi üzdüğüm için çok üzgünüm selam ve sevgiler
Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything Probably, they found the price high. I had wanted $230.00 for a Ford 5000, no news came. I'm so sorry, so embarrassed. The work has never stopped like that. We produce tie rods on commission. At the first commission, I will produce more for you. I am very sorry for making you unhappy. With regards and yours sincerely,
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către kafetzou - 23 Februarie 2009 05:15
230.00 $ for Ford 5000 --> $230.00 for a Ford 5000
The works never stopped --> Our work (?) has never stopped
tie rots --> tie rods
with the amount of commission --> on commission
for making you sorry --> for making you unhappy
NOTE: We don't say "yours affectionately" in a business transaction in English - it would sound VERY strange. Do you think we can just take it out and say "yours sincerely"?
First two corrections? I don't understand what you mean, I have made all the corrections that you told me, except the one you put a question mark.
I think it is "The works have never stopped like that" because there is not mentioned "our work" there, so I prefer not to change it but I already changed the tense mistake. So is it still wrong?
The reason why I put a question mark on the 2nd one was because I wasn't sure about the meaning. You cannot say "the works", but does it really mean "our work"?