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Traducerea - Greacă-Engleză - Χτες ηρθε 2.30 η ωρα. Πεθαμενος. Απο...

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Χτες ηρθε 2.30 η ωρα. Πεθαμενος. Απο...
Înscris de PaulaPessoa
Limba sursă: Greacă

Χτες ηρθε 2.30 η ωρα. Πεθαμενος. Απο αγροτοδουλειες. Κ φευγοντας τον εγραψαν στη διασταυρωση κακοβατου γιατι ειχε περασει 4 μηνες απο την ημ. που επρεπε να περασει κτεο. 400
Τωρα θα του παω το αυτοκ. στο κτεο.

Yesterday he came back at 2:30. Dead tired. Because of

Tradus de Tritonio
Limba ţintă: Engleză

Yesterday he came back at 2:30. Dead tired. Because of farm chores. Also, as he was leaving, he got a ticket because 4 months had passed since the day that he should have had the safety of his car inspected. 400.
Now I'll take his car to a safety inspector.
Observaţii despre traducere
400 probably is the fee of the ticket that he got.
Also refer too:
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 1 Octombrie 2014 14:43