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Traducerea - Daneză-Engleză - Danskerne er et meget cyklende folkefærd og...

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Categorie Scrisoare/Email - Afaceri/Locuri de muncă

Danskerne er et meget cyklende folkefærd og...
Înscris de Travelbunnie
Limba sursă: Daneză

Danskerne er et meget cyklende folkefærd og deltager gerne i cykel-cross, bl.a. deltaher 5 af vores unge medarbejdere i et større arrangement i en nordsjællandsk skov i slutningen af April næste år

The Danes are a keen biking race

Tradus de KKPI
Limba ţintă: Engleză

The danes are a keen biking race and often participate in bike-cross. Five of our young colleagues, for instance, will participate in a larger meet in a North Zealand forest at the end of April next year.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către kafetzou - 17 Octombrie 2007 04:37

Ultimele mesaje


24 Septembrie 2007 17:56

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1
Husets værelser er store og lyse

2 Octombrie 2007 08:10

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2747

There are quite a few corrections to be done on your English text.

There are syntax and grammatical errors:

"The danes are a keen biking race and often participatein bike-cross. Five of our young colleagues, for instance, participate in a larger meeting in a North Zealand forest at the end of April next year.

JALLAH, can you tell me what you said, in English, I'm afraid I don't speak Danish.


2 Octombrie 2007 06:47

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1
Hi Tantine,

thank you for your input.

I have made the corrections and hopefully it is now ready for use.

Kind regards

2 Octombrie 2007 08:12

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2747

Awfully sorry, I had a lot of corrections to do in my message to you 8-) I had a problem with my brackets, so some of the edits I suggested did not show up correctly.

I will do them for you


3 Octombrie 2007 13:35

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 33
I only wonder if the island "sjaelland" translates as Zealand?? It's a name and I think it should be left untranslated.

3 Octombrie 2007 13:39

casper tavernello
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 5057
Maybe 'north' not capitalized.
But traditionally, Zealand is translated.

3 Octombrie 2007 13:50

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2747
Thanks Casper

Is "sjaelland" the name of Zeeland as in Zee land? or Zealand (as in "New Zealand)?

I thought these Danish bikers were going on a trip to New Zealand to do a bike cross competition and in the end they are like just going to the bottom of their own garden !!

Hehe at least they won't have sore legs pedalling all that way


3 Octombrie 2007 13:59

casper tavernello
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 5057
The name New Zealand (the austral country) comes from this Zealand,DK

4 Octombrie 2007 14:25

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2102
"nordsjællandsk" is used for northern part of the main Danish island Sjæland (the one on which Copenhagen lies) which corresponds to "Zealand" in English. And it is used like that in the touristic guides about Copenhagen and the surroundings, for example. I agree it should not be translated, but as long as Donald Duck is Anders And in Danish or China is actually spelled Kina in Faroese and God knows how many adaptions of this kind are in the world, I don't believe many people care too much.

And Casper is right, it seems that New Zealand was actually named after the Danish island by a Dutch explorer, but there is no sure evidence of that.

4 Octombrie 2007 14:49

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2747
Thanks Iepurica

And Casper

4 Octombrie 2007 17:13

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 16
the beginning of the text is wrongly translated

4 Octombrie 2007 17:45

casper tavernello
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 5057
Yes, a little, but is almost the same meaning.

8 Octombrie 2007 22:04

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 7963
Is this a meeting or a race?

16 Octombrie 2007 04:58

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 7963
I don't know why this one has been sitting for so long, but I would change "meeting" to "meet" and "participate" to "will participate", and then I would validate it. Is this OK with everybody?

CC: PennyLane iepurica JALLAH Mattan casper tavernello wkn

16 Octombrie 2007 05:54

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 332
OK with me

16 Octombrie 2007 14:35

casper tavernello
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 5057