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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Acil lazım:(

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Catégorie Pensées - Vie quotidienne

Acil lazım:(
Proposé par striker
Langue de départ: Turc

Bu gördüğünüz sol taraf Türkiye'nin görünen güzel yüzü. Sağ tarafsa dikkat edilipte bakılmayan çirkin yüzü. Bu çirkin yüzü ortadan kaldırmalıyız. Tüm Türkiye'ye duyrulur.


Traduit par gian
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

the left side that you have seen is the beautiful face of Turkey which is shown . in contrast , the right side is the ugly face of Turkey which is ignored though it is observed . we have to remove this ugly face . it is anounced for the attention of whole Turkey .
Commentaires pour la traduction
in this text a person is trying to say that Turkey has two different views ;one is what is shown to us as beautiful and the other is what people try to ignore . the person writing these sentences used the words " left " and " right " to mean for beautiful and ugly . he/she may be talking about two pictures but because the information is not sufficient , this is all i can do .
Dernière édition ou validation par striker - 11 Décembre 2005 21:28