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Traduction - Japonais-Allemand - 私はファヴェーラを映画やTVでしか知りません。...

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: JaponaisAllemandPortuguais brésilien

Catégorie Discours

Proposé par jufie20
Langue de départ: Japonais

Commentaires pour la traduction
Watashi wa Favela o eiga ya Television de shika shirimasen.
Watashi no Favela ni kan suru image wa tottemo stereotype da to omoimasu.


Traduit par jufie20
Langue d'arrivée: Allemand

Ich kenne die Favela nur von Filmen und aus dem Fernsehen. Ich denke, mein Bild von der Favela ist sehr stereotyp.
Dernière édition ou validation par iamfromaustria - 12 Décembre 2008 17:02

Derniers messages


11 Décembre 2008 22:20

Nombre de messages: 1335
Hi Ian!
Could you please help me with this translation? I have really no idea what it could mean and if the German translation is correct...

CC: IanMegill2

12 Décembre 2008 04:20

Nombre de messages: 1671
I have only ever seen Favela (who? what?) in movies and on TV.
My ideas about Favela are probably very stereotypical.
I don't know of Favela except from movies, TV and so on.
I think my image about Favela is very stereotypical.

Probably the German translation doesn't need the "also"?
I read a little German too...

12 Décembre 2008 17:08

Nombre de messages: 1335
Very good! But why haven't you listed German as a language you know (at least a little) on your profile?

Japanese looks very mystical for me - I have really no idea how people can be able to learn such a language. Germanic and Romanic languages all are somehow logical for me, but Japanese and Chinese are totally different. My computer does not even show the characters but only frames. except for the "TV" which appears perfectly readable

14 Décembre 2008 05:54

Nombre de messages: 1671
Well, when the one you love speaks a certain language, you find a way to speak (and read) it too...
I also find the Japanese and Chinese characters kind of "mystical": for me, that was part of their mysterious attractiveness, and perhaps also why I find it so enjoyable to study and learn them...

PS: I studied German for two years in high school and at the time understood and spoke it quite well, but that was...uh...thirty years ago?