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Testo originale - Inglese - The road for the us started off rough in the...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseLituano

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The road for the us started off rough in the...
Aggiunto da Rytis
Lingua originale: Inglese

The road for the us started off rough in the community, having a few early problems with a few trouble making members. ''Petras'' appointed a co-leader to help keep things under control at this point. Order and change quickly came. Now a group of six members are apart of the higher positions within the clan. Still keeping true to the two leaders, the four others are important decision makers and acting leaders in the case of a disappearance of the leaders.
Ultima modifica di Francky5591 - 24 Luglio 2008 12:46

Ultimi messaggi


24 Luglio 2008 12:43

Numero di messaggi: 14
This is already in english. Something is wrong.

24 Luglio 2008 12:48

Numero di messaggi: 12396
Thanks a lot Appeltaart!

24 Luglio 2008 13:04

Numero di messaggi: 1
I need translating to Lithuanian :o

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