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Traduzione - Islandese-Inglese - Þar sem við erum að renna túrbínurnar allar og...

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Þar sem við erum að renna túrbínurnar allar og...
Aggiunto da VivianLian
Lingua originale: Islandese

Þar sem við erum að renna túrbínurnar allar og stækka, víkka út,,, köllum það að afmeyja þær,, um 3 mm til þess að þær hafi rými og fari ekki utan í við mikla þenslu í svo miklum hita þá eru þeir á fullu í þessu .. Valgeir reynir að senda þessi sýnishorn í síðasta lagi á föstudag, því þeir ætla að keyra útvíkkaðar túrbínurnar á morgun.. sjá video..

Saell. Geturdu hjalpad?

As we are about to turn all the turbines to extend them ...

Tradotto da pias
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

As we are about to turn all the turbines to extend them (we call it deflowering) about 3 mm in order to have space for high tension and for high temperatures when they are at full load, Valgeir will send the sample by Friday at the latest because they want to run the extended turbines tomorrow.. See video..

Can you help?
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 8 Aprile 2009 14:37

Ultimi messaggi


4 Aprile 2009 01:54

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
Hi Pia,

This is a quite hard text I guess...
I don't fully understand it
So far I'd just correct the English in:
expands ---> expand
to much ---> too much
latest on Friday ---> by Friday

large heating? Do you mean "high temperature(s)"?
And what about "concerning 3 mm"?

4 Aprile 2009 10:10

Numero di messaggi: 8113
Hello Lilian

I've done the edits, thank you! And yes, you are right, it's "high temperature". I also edited "concerning 3 mm" --> "about 3 mm". Does it look ok. now?

7 Aprile 2009 16:58

Numero di messaggi: 1524
Here is my version:

As we are about to turn all the turbines to extend them (we call it deflowering) about 3 mm in order to have space for high tension and for high temperatures when they are at full load, Valgeir will send the sample by Friday at the latest because they want to run the extended turbines tomorrow.. See video..

Can you help?

7 Aprile 2009 17:21

Numero di messaggi: 8113
Right I told you (in a pm.) I thought YOU should have done the translation Bamsa. I waited ..and since you didn't submitted your version, I did the translation.

please reject mine and let Bamsa give it a try!

7 Aprile 2009 18:41

Numero di messaggi: 1524
Dear Pia, I didn't say that your translation is wrong, I just gave you my version. I'm not so interested in doing the translation. But anyway there are some small things that have to be corrected. You don't have to reject it.

7 Aprile 2009 20:29

Numero di messaggi: 8113
I'm not gonna force you to do the translation, I respect your unwillingness to translate Ernst!

I think the best thing to do would be to use your translation, no doubt ...that's a better version. But that wouldn't be fair to you. The only thing I can think of is to edit the translation --> your version and then donate you the points.


7 Aprile 2009 21:22

Numero di messaggi: 8113
Lilian, what do you think?

Good solution?

CC: Bamsa

7 Aprile 2009 23:38

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
Fair enough!

7 Aprile 2009 23:52

Numero di messaggi: 8113
Edits done!
Points transfered

8 Aprile 2009 14:31

Numero di messaggi: 8113
Why don't you accept this Lilian?

I'm 99,999999 sure, it's right now...since we know this is done by someone who master Icelandic well, even if it looks like it's me.

Thanks again Bamsa