| | |
| | 21 Settembre 2009 12:33 |
| | Hi Efylove, again, who was the bridger?  |
| | 21 Settembre 2009 12:39 |
| | Sorry, I'm quite absentminded...  |
| | 21 Settembre 2009 12:44 |
| | Is this bridge ok?
"The first mystery of joy is: Angel Gabriel's Annunciation to Mary.
The second mystery of joy is: Mary's Visit to her cousin Elisabeth.
The third mystery of joy is: Jesus' Birth.
The fourth mystery of joy is: Child Jesus' Presentation in the temple.
The fifth mystery of joy is: Jesu' Meeting in the temple."
Thanks. Next time I'll be more careful.  |
| | 21 Settembre 2009 12:45 |
| | As I explained before, you can't provide yourself a bridge from a language you are not an expert. Your bridges are valid from Italian or Latin. See what I mean?
If you didn't get a bridge from a Brazilian Portuguese bridger, you just let Aneta check the translation by asking for a bridge of for a confirmation of a bridge build by her.
Confusing?  |
| | 21 Settembre 2009 12:47 |
| | Thanks for the explanation.
| | 21 Settembre 2009 16:30 |
| | So, Lilly, could you confirm the bridge above?  |
| | 22 Settembre 2009 11:52 |
| | It's correct  |
| | 22 Settembre 2009 11:59 |
| | Thanks a lot!  |
| | 22 Settembre 2009 12:25 |
| | This is standard, Efee, of course not full names...
Mysteria Gaudiosa
Primum Mysterium Gaudiosum: Annuntiatio
Secundum Mysterium Gaudiosum: Visitatio
Tertium Mysterium Gaudiosum: Nativitas
Quartum Mysterium Gaudiosum: Presentatio
Quintum Mysterium Gaudiosum: Inventio in Templo
What do you think about it?
| | 22 Settembre 2009 12:30 |
| | I've changed something according to your suggestion.
I think it's better now.
| | 23 Settembre 2009 16:05 |
| | Visitatio ad consobrinam --> visitatio apud...
Jesu Pueris Praesentatio --> Jesu Puero/Puerulo Praesentatio
?  |
| | 23 Settembre 2009 21:34 |
| | Visitatio apud ----> ok.
The second one - my mistake! - I wrote Pueris instead of the genitivus Pueri... Why did you propose Puero/Puerulo? Ablativus Absulutus?
| | 23 Settembre 2009 21:57 |
| | Yes. I knew you thought about genetivus and it was only your "absentmindedness" (sometimes we are so similar!), but I propose here ABLATIVUS ABSOLUTUS... It fits here very well in my opinion.
Compare with these ones:
Caesare Consule - When Caesar was a consul...
Romulo rege - When Romulus was a king...
so --> Iesu puerulo - When Jesus was a baby boy...
What do you think, my dear Efee?  |
| | 23 Settembre 2009 22:08 |
| | Of course if you choose "Iesu pueri/pueruli" it also will be correct... and maybe even closer to the original... so your choice, dear one!  |
| | 24 Settembre 2009 20:45 |
| | I'd prefer the genetivus, because it's more litteral and because "puero" maybe could be ambigous... But, sweety, if you think that ablativus is better, long life to ablativus!!  |
| | 24 Settembre 2009 21:36 |
| | Efee, it is your choice, as I told you before... You are a wise girl and a great Latin expert, so I can't force anything on you...
Genetivus is, of course, very appropriate and convey the meaning in a literal way...
You can use it, of course. I am with your choice whatever it will be, dear one...
| | 24 Settembre 2009 21:31 |
| | |
| | 25 Settembre 2009 14:51 |
| |  It's perfect now!  |