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Traduzione - Italiano-Inglese - In nessuna lingua...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: ItalianoIngleseFranceseSpagnoloPortoghese brasilianoSvedeseSerboTurco

Categoria Pensieri - Società / Gente / Politica

In nessuna lingua...
Aggiunto da alexfatt
Lingua originale: Italiano

In nessuna lingua è difficile intendersi come nella propria lingua.
Note sulla traduzione
Quote from Karl Kraus (1874-1936), Austrian satirist, essayist, aphorist, playwright and poet.

In no language..

Tradotto da lenab
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

In no language is it so difficult to understand each other as in our own language.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 3 Giugno 2011 23:00

Ultimi messaggi


6 Giugno 2011 14:13

Numero di messaggi: 8114
Hello Lilian

I had a discussion with Lena about the Swedish translation yesterday. According to her the Italian source text is a bit different from the accepted English one. She first translated the last part of the sentence: "... as in the own language.", but it seems you have made some edits (just as Francky did on the French one) Not a big deal, but are you sure the first translation Lena did was wrong ??

CC: lilian canale

6 Giugno 2011 14:51

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
I saw your posts about that issue and didn't interfere because I supposed you had decided it was not that important, but since you ask I'll explain the changes.

That sentence was not so simple to translate because of the syntax used. The idea is totally clear, however each language has a proper or natural way to express it.
In this case, the adjective used makes the difference. You may say the meaning is the same, and it really is, but one sounds a little better, more personal. That's why I made the change before accepting the translation. No big deal, of course. I bet Francky did the same.

6 Giugno 2011 15:03

Numero di messaggi: 8114
OK. Yup... we decided so, no big deal (meaning is about the same) but since I still thought about it --> it's better to ask.

Thank you for explaining, got it now