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Prevođenje - Brazilski portugalski-Latinski - Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: Brazilski portugalskiFrancuskiLatinski

Kategorija Pjesma

Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a...
Poslao Zklb
Izvorni jezik: Brazilski portugalski

Tudo é uma questão de manter a mente quieta, a espinha ereta e o coração tranqüilo.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
<Bridge by Lilian>

"Everything is a matter of keeping the mind quiet, the spine erect and the heart calm."

Omnia sunt in

Preveo Efylove
Ciljni jezik: Latinski

Omnia sunt in animum aequum, spinam erectam et cor quietum servando.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Aneta B. - 23 ožujak 2011 22:54

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12 ožujak 2011 15:29

Aneta B.
Broj poruka: 4487
Mattissimo, how would you improve the translation? Could you justify your vote, please?

22 ožujak 2011 19:08

Broj poruka: 105
Mente quieta nao é mente serena

22 ožujak 2011 23:05

Aneta B.
Broj poruka: 4487
I have to admit that I am not sure what would be the best Latin translation for the English phrase "Everything is a matter of..."...
The meaning is close to: "Everything depends on...". Am I right?

If so, how about "Omnia ex animo aequo, spina erecta et corde quieto pendent", dear?

animus serenus --> animus quietus/aequus?

23 ožujak 2011 08:42

Broj poruka: 1015
Your suggestion is very good, but in this way we miss "to keep" which is, in my opinion, quite important. You know, it's something like: Everything depends on the fact that you always keep mind quiet etc., even in difficulties.

23 ožujak 2011 08:42

Broj poruka: 1015
Ah, I like animus aequus very much.

23 ožujak 2011 22:52

Aneta B.
Broj poruka: 4487
You're right, Efee. My proposition doesn't quite convey the source. Ok, let's leave your version, dear. I will only replace "serenum" with "aequum" since you like it.