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Originalan tekst - Japanski - あの二人出会ったか? いい答え考えなきゃ。

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: JapanskiEngleski

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あの二人出会ったか? いい答え考えなきゃ。
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Izvorni jezik: Japanski

Primjedbe o prijevodu
translation to any English dialect is acceptable.

I need someone to clear up this meaning. I *think* it says something "did those two meet / bump into each other? YOU have to think of a good answer" or "did those two meet / bump into each other? *I* have to think of a good answer" but I can't tell if it's "you" or "I" or if this is entirely incorrect!
20 srpanj 2013 21:27