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Translation - Latin-Serbian - Canis cum tauro pugnam inire ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Latin

Category Fiction / Story - Kids and teens

Canis cum tauro pugnam inire ...
Submitted by nedavuja
Source language: Latin

Canis cum tauro pugnam inire parabat et “Facile vincam,” dixit, “namque dentibus longe melior sum.”
Remarks about the translation
Sa latinskog na srpski. Hvala

Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!
Спрема се пас да се бори

Translated by Kika_bil
Target language: Serbian

Спрема се пас да се бори против бика и каже "Лако ћу победиту, јер много боље уједам".
Remarks about the translation
Буквално би било "јер сам бољи са дугим зубима"
Last edited by Kika_bil - 9 July 2015 21:27