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نص أصلي - ايسلندي - Erla took the Hvernig líkama ert þú með quiz and...

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Erla took the Hvernig líkama ert þú með quiz and...
نص للترجمة
إقترحت من طرف ramon borja
لغة مصدر: ايسلندي

þú ert mjög flott stelpa og heldur línunum í lagi. Þér er ekki sama hvernig þú lítur út og ef þú færð þér óvart feitt þá ferður strax að worka og verða slim aftur ! - þú ert fukken fiiine strákarnir eru óðir í þig!
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
<edit>"Erla took the Hvernig líkama ert þú með quiz and the result is Þú ert flott !" is a part that was taken off the text because only one language at a time is allowed in the text frame on cucumis</edit> (04/21/francky thanks to Bamsa's notification)
آخر تحرير من طرف Francky5591 - 21 أفريل 2009 14:04

آخر رسائل


21 أفريل 2009 13:33

عدد الرسائل: 1524
The first sentence should be deleted because it is mixed English and Icelandic..

21 أفريل 2009 14:04

عدد الرسائل: 12396
Thanks Bamsa, I took it off and left it in the remarks field.

16 نيسان 2009 16:04

lilian canale
عدد الرسائل: 14972
Would you build a bridge?
The points will be yours

CC: Bamsa