Draga Mihai,vreau sa-ti multumesc pentru cartea pe care mi-ai trimis-o.Am citit-o cu mare placere .Este o carte foarte buna si interesanta care mi-a placut foarte mult.Intotdeauna mi-au placut cartile de aventura cu personaje complexe si un subiect bine definit.De obicei citesc o carte in doua,trei saptamani,dar pe aceasta am citit-o in mai putin de o saptamana deoarece a fost foarte captivanta.
Dear Mihai, I want to thank you for the book you have sent me. I read it with great delight. It is a really good and interesting book that I liked very much. I've always enjoyed adventure books with complex characters and a well-defined theme. I usually read a book in two to three weeks, but I read this one in less than a week because it was very captivating.
Τελευταία επικύρωση ή επεξεργασία από kafetzou - 24 Σεπτέμβριος 2007 21:07
No.In the original it says "pentru cartea pe care mi-ai trimis-o"(for the book you have sent me) and not "pentru că mi-ai trimis cartea"(for sending me the book)