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분류 신문  이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다. | TÄ°YATROYLA TANIÅžMAYAN TEK ÇOÇUK KALMAYACAK | | 원문 언어: 터키어
TİYATROYLA TANIŞMAYAN TEK ÇOCUK KALMAYACAK Konak Belediyesi Dr.Selahattin Akçiçek Kültür Merkezi'nde son bir yılda 230 oyun sahnelendi.Toplam 70 bin öğrencinin ücretsiz izlediği belirtildi.Pek çoğunun ilk kez tiyatroyla tanıştığı da kaydedildi.Bu yıl dördüncüsü gerçekleştirilecek Mehmet Ulusoy Sokakta Tiyatro Festivali'ni izliyenlerle birlikte,tiyatroyla buluşturulan çoçuk sayısının 100 bini aştığı ifade edildi.Başkan Muzaffer Tunçağ,''hedefimiz,tiyatroya gitmeyen bir tek çoçuk bırakmamak ''dedi. |
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NO CHILD UNFAMILIAR WITH THEATER WILL REMAIN The Konak Municipal Dr.Selahattin Akçiçek Culture Center hosted 230 plays last year. In total 70 thousand schoolchildren attended free of charge, it was declared. Also it was noted that for many of them, it was their first experience with theater. Together with the ones attending the Mehmet Ulusoy Street Theater Festival which will be held for the fourth time this year, the number of children will exceed 100 thousand. Chairman Muzaffer Tunçağ said: "Our goal is to ensure no child remains who hasn't gone to a play." | | |
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 8월 10일 05:51
마지막 글 | | | | | 2008년 8월 1일 07:49 | | | I think "izliyenlerle" is not translated here, unless you very elegantly incorporated it and I missed it.
Also, it should be "which was held for the fourth time this year" instead of "which hold its fourth edition this year".
Other than that, it looks perfect. | | | 2008년 8월 1일 21:27 | | | oops missed those, thanks kafetzou | | | 2008년 8월 1일 21:43 | | | "edition" is not the right word for this. You can change it to my suggestion above, unless there's some reason why you think that's not the best translation.
Also, after "said", the colon ( : ) should be followed by a space, but the quotation marks ( " ) should not. | | | 2008년 8월 1일 21:45 | | | ok, no edition, but it is still to be held | | | 2008년 8월 1일 21:47 | | | Looks good, but what happened to the quotation marks? | | | 2008년 8월 1일 22:15 | | | crap i thought you wrote they should be removed.
last question: ". or ." ? | | | 2008년 8월 10일 05:51 | | | No - I wrote that they should not be followed by a space. Anyway, it looks perfect now. |
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