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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian хубаво, че на Димак им е по-ниска цената от...
хубаво, че на ... им е по-ниска цената от ..., иначе не знам как щеше да се аргументираш!!!
кой ли има повече опит и препоръки от ...?
i puntini di sospensione si riferiscono a nomi di aziende che devono rimanere celati

Completed translations
Italian bene che ai Dimak il prezzo è più basso dei...
Source language
Romanian învăţătoarea noastră nu ştie ce-i aia pisică
învăţătoarea noastră nu ştie ce-i aia pisică
bonjour, je suis nouvellesur ce forum et débute l'apprentissage du roumain je sais ce que veut dire cette phrase mais du point de vue grammatical je ne sais pas ce que représente "aia" dans cette phrase merci de m'aider

Completed translations
French Notre professeur ne sait pas ce qu'est un chat
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Comentarios maldosos surgem quando o meu sucesso...
Comentarios maldosos surgem somente quando o meu sucesso incomoda.

Completed translations
French Commentaires sournois
Source language
English Тhings are also steadily hotting up in the US,...
Тhings are also steadily hotting up in the US, where Leona will be launching the album in April. ‘Bleeding Love’ has gone to number one on the major NY radio Z100’s High Noon countdown and it is also at number 9 on the iTunes song chart.
Ce texte a été pris sur un site de leona lewis dont je suis fan mais je ne peux pas comprendre lorsque ses news sont rédigés en anglais

Completed translations
French Ça chauffe aux States
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Die Staatsanleihen der Industriestaaten konnten...
Die Staatsanleihen der Industriestaaten konnten in den vergangenen Wochen deutliche Kursgewinne verbuchen . Dagegen sind die Euro-Anleihen Brasiliens gefallen. Das führt dazu, dass sie inzwischen einen netten Zinsvorsprung haben.

hast Du etwas bei eBay ersteigert ?
vergoldete Münzen ? Bitte um Mitteilung !

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) As obrigações públicas dos países industrializados ..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Polish Rozmowa
Czesc, jak sie masz?
Czesc, bardzo dobrze, a ty?
È uma conversa falando oi tudo como vai, só não consegui descobrir o que quer dizer a última palavra.

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Diálogo
English salutation in Polish
Source language
Spanish hacemos todo por nuestros enfermos
hacemos todo por nuestros enfermos
es el lema de nuestro hospital

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) fazemos tudo pelos nossos pacientes
Source language
French Musica francesa de alain barrieri
Ma vie
J'en ai vu des amants
Ma vie
L'amour ça frout le camp
Je sais
On dit que ça revient
Ma vie
Mais c'est long le chemin.
Ma vie
J'en ai lu des toujours
Ma vie
J'en ai vu de beaux jours
Je sais
Et j'y reviens toujours
Je sais
Je crois trop en l'amour.
Ma vie
J'en ai vu des amants
Ma vie
L'amour ça frout le camp
Je sais
On dit que ça revient
Ma vie
Mais c'est long le chemin
Ma vie
Qu'il est long le chemin !
não tem palavras ambiguas

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Minha Vida
Source language
Portuguese ao ecrã
ao ecrã

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) na tela
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew אני מניחה שכבר לילה אצלכם. תשלח לי מייל בנושא...
אני מניחה שכבר לילה אצלכם.

תשלח לי מייל בנושא כשיגיע בוקר אצלכם

Completed translations
English Request
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Pedido
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Rubiane Martins
hey,.;plz keep ya fuckin cheap cmmnts to yaself,.;it wud b bettr if ya dnt paste em in prasun'zz profile,.;]

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Rubiane Martins
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Maybe i don't really wanna know.
Maybe i don't really wanna know.
Uma frase que não consegui traduzir.

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Talvez eu não queira realmente saber.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish la llegadas de las...
la llegada de las brujas

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Italian l'arrivo delle streghe
Source language
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Eu quero ter você de verdade para mim.
Eu quero ter você de verdade para mim.

Completed translations
Italian Ti voglio veramente per me.
English I want you truly for me.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".

Completed translations
Italian Deve essere fottuto nella vita....... Ehhhh (praticando)
Source language
French Mon ange je taime vraiment j´espere ne pas...
Mon ange je taime vraiment j´espere ne pas souffrir avec cette amour car je sais ke d´autre femme t´aime ta femme ki t´aime
en italien

Completed translations
Italian Angelo mio, ti amo veramente.
Source language
English Everybody get up
Everybody get up singing
1,2,3,4,5 will make you get down now
Baby bring it on now
Five will make you get down now

You got to keep it real
You got to keep it raw
Im lyrically blessed so dont try to ignore.
Time for some action creeping up your back and keep the beat nasty like Janet my reaction hard.
I'm addictive better lock your kids in.
Coming to your area you dont know what you're missing.Go tell your family here comes the enemy blowing up the spot tech remedy.

I'll be the resident president,Im the 5th element.Jimmy fly snooka stone cold is how I'm hitting them.Better get together, put your hands in the sky,stick them up punk hit them low hit them high.Now Im the bad boy that you invite for dinners.Ain't got no manners cos I eat with my fingers.Lost boys terrorize the neighborhood
and hounds of the baskerville will be up to no good,so come on come on everybody keep checking us
coming with the funk being it on wickedness.
Bokmål plz =)
Norwegian slang would be appreciated too

Completed translations
Norwegian Alle sammen reis dere opp
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