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Translation - Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)-Danish - Desculpe, mas nenhum esporte. Odeio esportes.

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)SwedishDanishFinnish

Desculpe, mas nenhum esporte. Odeio esportes.
Submitted by danielalindroos
Source language: Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

Desculpe, mas nenhum esporte.
Odeio esportes.
Remarks about the translation
la la la

Beklager, men ingen slags sport. Jeg hader sport.

Translated by Anita_Luciano
Target language: Danish

Beklager, men ingen slags sport. Jeg hader sport.
Remarks about the translation
The original says "sorry, but no sport" - I have added a "no kind of sport" as I am guessing that the person wants to say that he/she doesn´t pratice (or like or watch) any kind of sport.
Validated by Anita_Luciano - 15 December 2007 13:16