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331Translation - English-Boisnís - I love your eyes, I love when you smile...

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I love your eyes, I love when you smile...
Submitted by mavisu054
Source language: English Translated by Tille

love your eyes,
I love when you smile,
I love when I hear your voice.
My heart beats,
When I look at you.
But the thought that you're not here,
Makes me sad.
Remarks about the translation

Volim tvoje oči, ...

Translated by maki_sindja
Target language: Boisnís

Volim tvoje oči,
Volim kada se smiješ,
Volim kada čujem tvoj glas.
Moje srce lupa,
Kada te pogledam.
Ali pomisao da nisi ovdje,
Čini me tužnim.
Validated by lakil - 28 February 2009 15:09