Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Esperanto - Meaning only translations

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Meaning only translations
Submitted by cucumis
Source language: English

"Meaning only" translations are more focused on the meaning than on the form or the grammar. However, even though you don't need to be a fluent speaker of language "XXX", you must have a very good knowledge of both languages (XXX and YYY) to do this translation.

Signifo nur tradukoj

Translated by Borges
Target language: Esperanto

"Signifo nur" tradukoj estas pli fokusata en la signifo ol en la formo aŭ gramatiko. Tamen, kvankam vi ne bezonas esti fluenta parolanto de la lingvo "XXX", vi devas scipovi tre bone la duo lingvo (XXX kaj YYY) por fari ĉi tiu tradukon.
Validated by Borges - 17 Tháng 4 2007 17:25