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10Dịch - English-Italian - Look at the answer

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Look at the answer
Submitted by valeRia83
Source language: English Translated by Maski

Look at the answer they gave me.
That we can go see it on August 22nd.
Should we go anyway? Now they are asking about time. What hour should I say?
So we see the difference
Remarks about the translation
Ok, this is supposed to be BE so if Kafetzou or anyone notices any spelling mistakes caused by the differences between AE and BE, let me know please.

Guardate la risposta

Translated by Ricciodimare
Target language: Italian

Guardate la risposta che mi hanno dato.
Che potremo andarlo a vedere il 22 agosto.
In ogni modo dovremmo andare? Adesso ci chiedono a proposito dell’ora. Che ora dovrei dire?
Ecco che si percepisce la differenza.
Validated by Xini - 17 Tháng 9 2007 17:25