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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Masedonies ova nekoj amater snimal slikive se sto da ti...
ova nekoj amater snimal slikive se sto da ti kazam

abe zar starci ke vi gledam tuka ccc
sono due commenti postati su un mio video su youtube a questa pagina:
they are two comments on one of my videos on youtube here:

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars превод
Engels To tell you honestly...
Spaans Sinceramente, parece que un aficionado ha sacado estas fotos.
Italiaans Onestamente..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks kemal bu alemde cok ama cok canlar yakmıstır
kemal bu alemde cok ama cok canlar yakmıstır

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Kemal stomped on a lot of hearts around here.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks Galatsaray Efsanesi Hagi geri döndü
Galatsaray Efsanesi Hagi geri döndü

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Legend of Galatasaray Hagi came back
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks maÅŸallah
maşallah türkçen çok güzelmiş bu arada.şiirler falan döktürmüşsün sitende!!!!

Vertalings gedaan
Engels poems
Arabies ما شاء الله
Source language
Fins irc-galleriassa on helppo tutustua samoista...
irc-galleriassa on helppo tutustua samoista asioista kiinnostuneisiin uusiin ihmisiin, pitää yhteyttä kavereihin ja vaikka löytää vanha lapsuudenystävä uudelleen! Se onkin nimestään huolimatta useimmille käyttäjillemme ensisijaisesti kommunikointiväline.
Palvelusta saat irti suurimman hyödyn rekisteröitymällä sen käyttäjäksi. IRC-Gallerian peruskäyttö on ilmaista.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Irc-galleria
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks Ağırdır sevmelerim her yürek taşımaz,büyüktür...
Ağırdır sevmelerim her yürek taşımaz,büyüktür umutlarım her omuz kaldıramaz,farklıdır bakışlarım her insan anlayamaz

Vertalings gedaan
Engels My love is heavy
Deens Min kærlighed er tung,
Source language
Hebreeus אני מעוניין להחליף קישור עם אתרך תודיע לי במייל...
אני מעוניין להחליף קישור עם אתרך
תודיע לי במייל חוזר אם אתה מעוניין

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I'd like to exchange links...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hindi Muje ajj kuchh achcha nahi lagta hai.
Muje ajj kuchh achcha nahi lagta hai.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I am feeling very bad today.
Source language
Albanies organizim seminaresh
propozim ofertash dhe sherbimesh pershtatur me kerkesen
anglisht US

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Organising seminars
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks iyi ne iş yapıyorsun? Ben muhasebe okuyorum.
iyi ne iş yapıyorsun? Ben muhasebe okuyorum.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Well,what kind of job...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spaans me gusta la paso muy bien con ud. es...
me gusta la paso muy bien con ud. es muy especial es muy lindo.... y lo extrañe mucho el dia de hoy

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans mi piace la passo molto bene con lei...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romeens buenà seara ce mai faci? as vrea sa vorbesc ca...
buenà seara ce mai faci? as vrea sa vorbesc ca sarah gaudot sunt manu trebuie sa merg noapte buna

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Bonsoir ! Comment ça va ?
Source language
Engels Of course, all of the spiky, buoyant energy that...
Of course, all of the spiky, buoyant energy that drives the album will come to life in the live show that Avril is planning for her tour later this year. She has assembled a new band, and is even bringing along two dancers ("I'm doing choreographed dancing for the first time ever," she grins. "It's going to be such a blast").

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Elbette albüme hakim olan bu enerji
Source language
Frans salut, je voulais savoir si tu as demandé à...
Salut, je voulais savoir si tu as demandé à ta mère pour ce soir. Appelle sur mon téléphone fixe pour répondre. Bisous

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Merhaba, bilmek istiyorum, bu akşam için annene...
Source language
Turks ona yaşaması için bir ev verdi
ona yaşaması için bir ev verdi

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Il lui a donné une maison pour qu'elle y vive.
Engels house
10Source language10
Engels Start-discussion-translation
You can start a discussion about this translation

Vertalings gedaan
Duits Sie können eine Diskussion über diese Übersetzung starten.
Turks Başlatmak-tartışma-çeviri
Katalaans Iniciar-discussió-traducció
Esperanto Vi povas komenci diskutadon pri tiu ĉi traduko
Japannees Start-discussion-translation
Spaans Comenzar-discusión
Russies Вы можете открыть
Frans Lancer-discussion-traduction
Litaus Pradėti dikusiją apie šį vertimą
Sjinees vereenvoudig 发起-讨论-翻译
Portugees Iniciar-discussão-tradução
Bulgaars Започване - дискусия - превод
Romeens Start-discuţie-traducere
Arabies ابدأ-مناقشة-ترجمة
Hebreeus אתה יכול להתחיל בדיון לגבי תרגום זה
Italiaans E' possibile iniziare una discussione su questa traduzione
Albanies ju mund të filloni një diskutim rreth këtij përkthimi
Pools Start-discussion-translation
Sweeds Påbörja-diskussion-översättning
Tsjeggies Začít-diskuze-překlad
Fins Aloittaa-keskustelu-käännös
Sjinees 開始-討論-翻譯
Grieks Ξεκινώ-συζήτηση-μετάφραση
Serwies Zapoceti - razgovor - prevod
Deens Start-diskussion-oversættelse
Hongaars inditàs-beszélgetés-forditàs
Kroasies Započeti-rasprava-prijevod
Noors Start-diskusjon-oversettelse
Koreaans 시작하다-토론-번역
Farsie-Persies شروع-بحث-ترجمه
Slowaaks Môžete začať rozhovor o tomto preklade
Afrikaans Begin-bespreking-vertaling
Mongools Орчуулгын тухай хэлэлцүүлгийг эхэлж болно
Iers Is féidir leat diospóireacht a bhunú fén aistriúchán seo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Albanies si u be ajo puna e kafes? ke kohe sot
si u be ajo puna e kafes? ke kohe sot

Vertalings gedaan
Engels What's going on with this coffee matter? Do you have time today?
Italiaans Come sta andando questo caso del caffè?
Source language
Engels In addition to the foregoing, the Company shall...
In addition to the foregoing, the Company shall indemnify and save the organizer harmless for all acts taken by it as organizer harmless for all acts taken by it as organizer of the Company, and shall pay all costs and expenses incurred by or imposed upon the organizer as results of the same, including compensation based upon the usual charges for any time expenditures required of the organizer in pursuit of the defense against any liability arising on the account of enforcing the indemnification right hereunder, and the Company releases the organizer from all liability for any such act as the organizer not involving willful or grossly negligent misconduct.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans In aggiunta a quanto sopra...
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