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Translation - Fins-Engels - Olen työskennellyt pitkään sosiaali-ja...

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This text is available in the following languages: FinsEngels

Category Free writing

Olen työskennellyt pitkään sosiaali-ja...
Submitted by valtteri
Source language: Fins

Olen työskennellyt pitkään sosiaali-ja terveysalalla erilaisissa tehtävissä. Olen opiskellut aiemmin hammashoitajaksi ja terveydenhoitajaksi. Olen tehnyt vuosia hammashoitajan sekä sairaanhoitajan töitä. Tällä hetkellä työskentelen vammaisten lasten parissa. Opiskelen ammattikorkeakoulussa sosionomiksi. Haluan jatkossa työskennellä päiväkodissa lastentarhanopettajana.

I have worked for a long time ...

Translated by tarinoidenkertoja
Target language: Engels

I have worked for a long time in the social and health fields doing differents tasks. I have studied to be a dental assistant and a nurse.I have worked for years as dental assistant with nursing responsibilities. At the moment I work with handicapped children. I am studing at a professional high school in order to become a social worker. I want to work in a day-nursery as kindergarten school teacher.
Remarks about the translation
orig before editing translation wasI have worked for a long time in the social and health field with differents tasks. I have studied as dentist assistant and as nurse.I have worked for years as dentist assistant with nursery tasks. At the moment i assist children with handicap . I study in a professional high school to become a social worker. I want to work in a day-nursery as infant school teacher.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur dramati - 27 Januarie 2008 10:26

Last messages


24 Januarie 2008 21:38

Number of messages: 972

Go over the changes I made in editing your translation into more correct English. Please make any further changes you might think would best express the meaning of the origional language and we will put it to a vote.



26 Januarie 2008 18:59

Number of messages: 113
Thanks a lot

26 Januarie 2008 21:37

Number of messages: 13
There is few errors in the text, for example I think "handicaped" should be "handicapped", and some of the sentences aren't quite exact. For example I think it would be better to replace "assist handicaped children" with "work with handicapped children"