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21Translation - Engleski-Spanski - I am thinking about you too..

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Category Letter / Email - LJubav / Prijateljstvo

Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
I am thinking about you too..
Submitted by celyn
Source language: Engleski Translated by Roller-Coaster

I am thinking about you too my sweetheart. I know this is really difficult, with me being here and you there. But, be patient for month or two... I'm thinking of you.

Yo también estoy pensando en ti....

Translated by NicoVick
Target language: Spanski

Yo también estoy pensando en ti, mi amada. Sé que esto es muy difícil, yo estoy acá y tú allá. Pero ten paciencia un mes o dos. Estoy pensando en ti.
Remarks about the translation
f- mi amada
m- mi amado
Validated by Lila F. - 4 January 2008 09:50