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Source language
English How can we know stellar ages when, • except for...
How can we know stellar ages when, except for catastrophe, we hardly ever see the stars change? We cannot actually watch a star be born, go through its youth and middle age, and finally die. We have to catch individuals along the way and string them together with the aid of logic and theory and the fundamental reference, the Sun and its family.

Completed translations
Italian Stimare l'età stellare
French Comment pouvons nous estimer l'âge stellaire quand, à l'exception de
German Schätzen des stellaren Alters
Turkish Yıldızların yaşları ne zamandır nasıl bilebiliriz,dışında..
215Source language215
English live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.
live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.

Completed translations
French Vis pour le présent, apprends du passé, espère pour
Turkish gün
Italian vivere oggi, imparare ...
Spanish vive por hoy
Greek Ζήσε
Bulgarian Живей за днес..
Latin Vive pro hodierno
Romanian Trăieşte pentru astăzi, învaţă de la ziua de ieri şi speră pentru mâine.
Arabic عش اليوم و تعلم من الامس و أمل في الغد
Russian Живи сегодняшним днем
Norwegian Lev idag
Swedish Lev för idag, lär från igår och ...
Hebrew חיה את היום, למד מן האתמול וקווה למחר
Finnish Elä tätä päivää..
Polish Żyj dla dnia dzisiejszego!
Dutch live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow
Portuguese brazilian Viva para o hoje, aprenda com o ontem e tenha esperança no amanhã.
Catalan Viu avui, apren d'ahir i tingues esperança en demà.
Ukrainiski живи сьогодні, вчися вчорашнім і сподівайся на завтра.
German Lebe für heute...
Hungarian Élj a mának, tanulj a tegnapból és reménykedj a holnapban.
Turkish Bugün'ü yaşa...
Albanian jeto te sotmen, meso nga e djeshmja dhe shpreso per te nesermen.
261Source language261
Italian Se chiudo gli occhi
Se chiudo gli occhi...vedo la tua luce, se sento la tua voce...ascolto la tua anima, se potessi sfiorarti...sentirei il tuo calore, se ti avessi vicino...sarei avvolto dal profumo della tua pelle
perpiacere in lettere latine non cirilliche!grazie!
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.
Warning : Any translation done without using the diacritics when necessary will be systematically rejected.

Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Completed translations
English If I close my eyes
Greek Αν κλεισω τα μάτια μου
Bulgarian Ако затворя очи
Turkish Gözlerimi kapatsam
Romanian Dacă închid ochii
Dutch Als ik mijn ogen sluit...
Spanish Si cierro los ojos
Arabic إذا أغمضت عيناي
Polish Kiedy zamknÄ™ moje oczy
Albanian nqs mbyll syte
Portuguese brazilian Se eu fechar os olhos ..
Serbian Ako zatvorim oči...
French Si je ferme les yeux
Russian Если я закрою мои глаза
Lithuanian Jeigu užmerkiu akis...
Portuguese Se eu fechar os olhos ...
German Wenn ich meine Augen schließe...
Danish Hvis jeg lukker mine øjne
Croatian Ako zatvorim oči…
Maķedoniski ако ги затворам очите...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish dogum gününüz kutlu olsun müdürüm.
dogum gününüz kutlu olsun müdürüm.

Completed translations
Russian Поздравляю Вас с Днем Рождения...
English Happy Birthday my manager
Source language
Bosnijas javi se kada budes imao vremena
javi se kada budes imao vremena

Completed translations
English Let me know when you have time
Danish Lad mig vide når du har tid.
Source language
Serbian Ti si zaljubljen i volis me mnogo,svim srcem i...
Ti si totalno izgubio glavu zbog mene,zaljubljen si 'do ušiju' i stalno sam ti u mislima,trudis se da me izbaciš iz glave ali si nemoćan ... voliš me svim srcem i dusom svojom...sanjaš i maštas o meni danima i noćima.

Completed translations
Polish Jesteś zakochany i kochasz mnie bardzo całym sercem i...
Spanish Has perdido la cabeza por mí. Estás ...
Source language
Hindi जाने कहां गए वो दिन
जाने कहां गए वो दिन, कहते थे तेरी राह में
नझरों को हम बिछाएंगे
चाहे कहीं भी तुम रहो, चाहेंगे तुमको ुम्र भर
तुमको ना भूल पाएंगे
with LAtin letters:"jaane kahaa.n gae vo din, kahate the terI raah me.n nazaro.n ko ham bichhaae.nge
chaahe kahI.n bhI tum raho, chaahe.nge tumako umr bhar tumako naa bhuul paae.nge"

Completed translations
English I wonder where have gone those days ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Greek Εσύ μικρή εξωτική θεά, το τελευταίο βράδυ της...
Εσύ μικρή εξωτική θεά, το τελευταίο βράδυ της ζωής μας πήρες από πάνω μου όλα τα κακά και τα έπνιξες μια και για πάντα στα 160 ποτάμια............ Σ'ευχαριστώ.

Completed translations
English The 160 rivers...
Turkish Sana teşekkür ederim.
12Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.12
English “Come,” said Crow, “Let’s discuss the situation.”...
“Come,” said Crow, “Let’s discuss the situation.”

God lay, agape, a great carcass.

Crow tore off a mouthful and swallowed.

“Will this cipher divulge itself to digestion

Under hearing beyond understanding?”

Completed translations
Romanian „Vino", spuse Cioara, „Hai să discutăm situaţia."...
Source language
Danish Når jeg søger trygheden, finder jeg intet. Når...
Når jeg søger trygheden, finder jeg intet. Når jeg søger udfordringen, finder jeg alt.

Completed translations
English challenge
French Quand je cherche la sécurité, je ne trouve rien.
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Quer sair comigo sexta a noite?
Quer sair comigo sexta a noite?

Completed translations
French Veux-tu sortir avec moi vendredi soir ?
Source language
Turkish tabikide senin kardesinim
tabikide senin kardesinim
belçika fransızcası

Completed translations
French Bien sûr aussi que je suis ton copain
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Polish Dziękuję!! Nie rozumiem po polsku,przepraszam.
Dziękuję!! Nie rozumiem po polsku,przepraszam.
réponse d'un amis lorsque je lui ai souhaité bonne anniversaire en polonais. merci d'avance

Completed translations
French Merci!! Désolé, je ne comprends pas le polonais.
Source language
Bosnijas ja trebam jednu uslugu
ja trebam jednu uslugu

Completed translations
German Ich brauche...
Source language
Turkish merhaba nasılsın canim? çok güzel gözlerin var...
merhaba nasılsın canim?
çok güzel gözlerin var bebeğim.
to kurmanji dialect

Completed translations
English Hi
Source language
Turkish aklimdan cikmiyor. Süphe icinde kaldim seni...
aklimdan cikmiyor.
Süphe icinde kaldim seni kayip etme etti caza agir geliyors.

Completed translations
German geht nicht aus ...
Source language
Turkish katibim
Üsküdar'a gider iken aldı da bir yağmur
Katibimin setresi uzun eteği çamur

Katip uykudann uyanmış gözleri mahmur
Katip benim ben katibin el ne karışır
Katibime kolalı da gömlek ne güzel yaraşır

Üsküdar'a gider iken bir mendil buldum
Mendilimin içine de lokum doldurdum

Katibimi arar iken yanımda buldum

Katip benim ben katibin el ne karışır
Katibime kolalı da gömlek ne güzel yaraşır

Completed translations
German Mein Schriftführer
Source language
French L'âme est représentée par l'Orante
L'âme est représentée par l'Orante

Completed translations
Greek Ψυχή
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