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Original text - Hebrew - אני גולשת גלים, גלשתי כבר בהוואי ואני ממש רוצה...

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: HebrewPortuguese brazilianItalian

Category Free writing - Sports

אני גולשת גלים, גלשתי כבר בהוואי ואני ממש רוצה...
Text to be translated
Submitted by naama
Source language: Hebrew

אני גולשת גלים, גלשתי כבר בהוואי ואני ממש רוצה לגלוש בברזיל! איך הגלים בברזיל?
27 June 2008 22:40

Last messages


12 August 2008 00:42

Number of messages: 773
"I'm a surfer, I've already surfed in Hawaii and I really want to surf in Brazil! How are the waves in Brazil?"

CC: lilian canale

12 August 2008 01:51

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
milkman, I know that you made a bridge to Lilian, but I'll take it, since the Portuguese translation is already done and being evaluated.

12 August 2008 02:13

Number of messages: 773
I thought she translates into Italian too?

CC: lilian canale

12 August 2008 02:14

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Oh yeah. I didn't consider that possibility.
And thanks, anyway.

12 August 2008 02:27

Number of messages: 773
I can send you bridges for your million languages though, if you want

12 August 2008 03:15

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972

12 August 2008 03:16

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972

12 August 2008 03:55

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
OBS.: Just took it to evaluate rahhaz's translation.

12 August 2008 04:03

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
The translation into Italian is here.