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Translation - Spanish-Turkish - ¿Que Hiciste?

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SpanishTurkishSwedish

Category Song

¿Que Hiciste?
Submitted by selin_alonso
Source language: Spanish

¿Qué Hiciste? Hoy destruiste con tu orgullo la esperanza
Hoy empañaste con tu furia mi mirada
Borraste toda nuestra historia con tu rabia
Y confundiste tanto amor que te entregaba
Con un permiso para así romperme el alma

Ne yaptın?

Translated by kafetzou
Target language: Turkish

Ne yaptın? Bugün gururunla umudu yıktın
Bugün görüşümü öfkenle bulaştırdın
Bütün geçmişimizi hiddetinle sildin
Ve sana devrettiğim bu kadar sevdayı
Canımı muhakkak kırmağa bir izinle karıştırdın.
Validated by selin_alonso - 21 January 2007 16:17

Last messages


21 January 2007 16:03

Number of messages: 7963
Here's the English translation:

What did you do? Today you destroyed hope with your pride
Today you blurred my vision with your fury
You erased our entire history with your rage
And you confused so much love which I handed over to you
With permission to surely destroy my soul