Postovani, Molim vas da mi potvrdite na koji nacin mogu kupiti 30m dijamantske sajle za secenje armiranog betona, kao i koji je nacin placanja s obzirom da se nalazimo na suprotnim stranama sveta.
I'd like you to inform the way I can buy 30 metres of diamond wire for cutting reinforced concrete, as well as what the payment options are, regarding the fact we are located on the opposite side of the world.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Better to put a name or "Sir or Madam" after "Dear ". / Bolje da se stavi ime posle "Dear", ili bar "Dear Sir or Madam", ako se ne zna koj je covek
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 10 September 2008 16:20