Gdyby nie Przodkowie moi, nic by mnie nie było, Nic świadomości, nic duszy, nic ciała. To Pradziadów znojne życie, że jestem, sprawiło, A ze mną i we mnie cząstka ich została.
If not for my ancestors, there would be nothing No awareness, no soul, no body It's our forefathers' exhausting life what caused my existence And with me and in me a part of them remains
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 13 April 2010 02:38
I'm not better than Ania at English, but if I could suggest some changes:
If not for my ancestors, there would be nothing
No awareness, no soul, no body
It's Forefathers' exhausting life what caused my existance(or: what caused that I exist)
And with me and in me the piece of them remained (past)
(or: so with me as in me)
You are right for sure, Lilly. We have no possessive before "forefathers", but I believe that pecularity of English grammar requires it. If so, I stand up for "our"...
I put "the" article before "piece" to emphasize it, beacuse it is a main word in that line. But, you are the master and I agree whatever you decide. I'm glad if I could help a bit.