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Umseting - Rumenskt-Arabiskt - Arabia Saudită

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Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: RumensktArabisktEnskt

Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Arabia Saudită
Framborið av اموونة
Uppruna mál: Rumenskt


Olăroiu a luat-o pe urmele lui Elton în Arabia Saudită, să-şi aplice schemele în deşert, ca antrenor la Al Hilal


Mei habibi, blin de bani fac la tine din blasa mea! Dar vrem noi calificat în faza pe oază!

M-au plătit, nu e o glumă!


Umsett av bassam wanis
Ynskt mál: Arabiskt

لقد سار أولارويو على خطى أيلتون في العربية السعودية من خلال تطبيق الخطط في الصحراء كمدرب للهلال.

حبيبي, سأعطيك المال وأدفع لك من جيبي! ولكن يجب ان نتأهل!
لقد دفعوا لي وهذا ليس مزاحا.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
based on some english discussion, the translation says: I will give u money and pay y from my own pocket
Góðkent av elmota - 9 November 2007 23:35

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5 November 2007 10:46

Tal av boðum: 744
bassam: what do you mean by:
حبيبي, ملئ بالمال وأدفع لك من جيبي!

9 November 2007 13:26

Tal av boðum: 39
J'ai toujours accepté de faire les traductions demandées, même si la qualité de textes roumains était ambigüe. Mais cette fois-ci, le deuxième paragraphe est écrit dans une langue qui n'a rien avoir avec le roumain (un mélange de roumain et arabe, je suppose). Moi personnellement, je me sens frustrée, surtout parce-que, après cette proposition de traduction, que j'ai refusée, j'ai constaté que l'estimation de mes connaissances de la langue roumaine a diminué...

A bientôt,

9 November 2007 23:25

Tal av boðum: 744
so the whole thing is a mess, the source and the translation

CC: Francky5591

10 November 2007 16:54

Tal av boðum: 2102
elmota, hi. May I say something about the source text? It is not a mess, at all. The second part, this one: "Mei habibi, blin de bani fac la tine din blasa mea! Dar vrem noi calificat în faza pe oază!" copies an Arabic person who doesn't speak very well Romanian. This is how many Arabs talk Romanian, at least in the begining when they still learn it. It was written as a joke and the words are mispelled and in an odd sequence on purpose.
One of the reasons the translation in English was twice rejected is because the Romanian user who translated it failed in "catching" the irony of the phrase.