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17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Angol They say God leads you to it and takes you...
They say God leads you to it and takes you through it
Please do not translate literally, think about the meaning
Bitte keine woertlich Uebersetzung, denk an die Bedeutung

Befejezett forditàsok
Német Sie sagen, Gott leitet Dich dorthin und bringt Dich...
Holland Ze zeggen dat God je (jullie) er naar toe leidt en je...
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Arab رئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم الفعلي للبلاد. البرلمان...
رئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم الفعلي للبلاد. البرلمان الإسباني مقسّم الى مجلسين واحد...

Befejezett forditàsok
Francia le premier ministre est le chef d'état effectif
Brazíliai portugál O primeiro-ministro é o efetivo chefe do estado.
Portugál O Primeiro-Ministro é o efectivo chefe de Estado.
Angol the prime minister is the head of state.
Spanyol El primer ministro es el jefe efectivo de estado...
17Nyelvröl forditàs17

... Sem nada dizer
Olhaste os meus olhos...
... Penetraste meu íntimo
Sem te aproximares...
... Tocaste tão forte,
Exploraste anseios...
... E eu, em silêncio
Tanto te desejava...
... E calada cantava
Versículos de sedução...
... E tu já sabias
O quanto eu queria...
... E tu também querias
E, ainda assim, escondias...
... Que nada sentias
E eu, que tanto queria...
... Que tu me quisesses
E queria também...
... Tudo o que fizesses
Ai quanto queria...
... Ser levada ao colo
E no meu ventre sentia...
... Suaves afagos
E que o nosso suor...
... Nos embriagasse
E tua seiva...
... Me deleitasse!
E cada vez mais queria...
... Ouvir que me querias
E tanto temia...
... Que não terminasses
Esta solidão!
... E tu prosseguias
Esse silêncio...
... E eu te seguia
Mas tanto temia...
... Dizer bem alto
O quanto te queria
... Já que tal silêncio
Se fosse quebrado...
... Tudo se perderia
Amor e magia!
Pretendo que a tradução seja feita para uma versão de Espanha e não da América Latina. Justifico este pedido por haver grandes diferenças, como certamente saberão. Muito grato!

Befejezett forditàsok
Spanyol Silencio
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Angol Ingredients: 8oz/250g or two cups of self...
8oz/250g or two cups of self raising flower (Or "all-purpose" flour with 3 teaspoons baking powder in North America)
1 oz/25g (¼ stick) of butter or margarine.
¼ pint (140ml or half to ¾ cup) sour cream
One beaten egg
Pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 400F/200C/Gas Mark 6.
Sift the dry ingredients together and then rub in the butter. Pour in the sour cream and then the beaten egg in the centre of the mixture and mix to obtain a soft elastic dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to about ½ inch (1.2cm) thick. Prick over with a fork and cut into small rounds with a cutter about 1½ inches (3.8cm) in diameter. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.
Scones are delicious if served warm. Cut in two and spread with butter and/or jam (preserves) to add even more flavour and moisture.

Befejezett forditàsok
Svéd Ingredienser: 8oz/250g eller 2 koppar sj...
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Angol Letter Part 2
My hearth is really broken, and it hurts, I have understood what “feeling sorrow” really means in this period of my life. Each great moment I shared with you will be staying as sweet memories of my life. I loved you very much, I loved you more than myself “. You were my breath, my soul, and my lifeblood. For the first time in my life I found someone as my darling with whom I get along well this much, and with whom I think the same things at the same time. Being with you gave me such a great happiness, comfort/peace and confidence that at every moment that I came together with you and that I looked at your beautiful blue eyes and your face smiling cozily, I felt myself like free birds which are flying over clouds. But now I'm like a bird with broken wings. You gave my soul peace/comfort all the time. At every time that my phone rang, and it was you, I got excited like the first day. My love and affection toward you is still like the first day. At every time we met, I always got excited and my heart always beat like mad as if we had come together for the first time. Nowadays I fall on very painful and hard times. My one and only aim to write this letter to you is just to share my feelings. During that period you also have been my best friend, but now I feel lonely so much. I know you are the only one who understands me much. I still keep in touch and contact with you, but after every conversation and every meeting, I feel both hope and also an indefinable pain. Actually the best of all would be neither o see nor to talk to you at all, but I'm not sure of it, believe me I also become confused as much as you. While writing this letter to you, I am weeping. And now I am listening to the song named ‘my endless love’ which I already recorded on a CD and sent you. Listening to this song, I think of you all the time. If you listen to it, please think of me, OK?
Take very good care of yourself, please mind your health. Please send my greetings to your warm and sweet family which I love very much, despite that I know them a little. I wish you and also your family ( including Bamse and Lilimiss) good days which is full of happiness, peace and health. I thank you very much for everything. I love you as much as you can't believe...
Don't forget me... Farewell...
PS. : At our last days my face sometimes was sulky because of unhappiness and sorrow. I am sending you my new photo so that you could remember me with my smiling face.

Befejezett forditàsok
Dán Brev Del 2
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Angol Letter Part 1
I wanted to write this letter to you, because there is no other solution/way for me apart from sharing that pain with you! I really have hard days. I cut myself loose from life and I'm alone with my sorrow. I had very good times with you, I took pleasure in everything we did, and I had fun. Keeping a pet/Feeding animals, going to the cinema, shopping and the parks, eating meals together, wathching movie at home, viewing the magnificent scene from the balcony, and above all, having a chat with you was very very nice and enjoyable. Sleeping by your side was always special for me. When being in your arms, resting my head on your chest, listening to your heartbeats, I felt indefinable peace and confidence with you. You're very special for me, and I know that you have been so honest and sincere toward me all the time. Amongst people whom I have met so far, you are the one with whom I get on very well and whom I love the most in my life. You know how my life conditions are, and as long as your love is inside of me, I don't think that I could have a relationship with an other person. I miss your beautiful and blue eyes, the peace/comfort you made me feel, your sweet voice, and your everything very much. Do you remember that you always said “I'm not so funny person!”, but I always had a great time with you. There is such a big love for you inside of me that you can't imagine it! Now all I want is just to hug you tightly, to wrap you with my love, and to smell you to my heart's content. I miss your smell very very much as well. I know something begins and then finishes in life, but I wish this happiness had never come to an end, and had never slipped down from my hands. I woke from my dream in which I was walking on clouds with your painful decision. I know you wanted it in this way, there is nothing to do and I respect your decision, but now this sweet dream becomes a nightmare which seems not to be over throughout my life. I am so unhappy and so hopeless. While everything is in order -according to me-, I couldn't understand why it suddenly finished and so I became so sad. Now I always question myself to find out where I made a mistake and what my inadequacies are, I'm thinking of these all the time. Maybe you don't find me beautiful, maybe I am boring, maybe I couldn't give you so much happiness, I don't know, I don't know at all, I lose confidence in myself a bit.

Befejezett forditàsok
Dán Brev Del 1
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Német hey sehr heißes Bild von dir
hey sehr heißes Bild von dir

Befejezett forditàsok
Bulgár Хей, много хубава твоя снимка!
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Hindu tunai mujhe pyar kiya ...par merai ...
tunai mujhe pyar kiya ...par merai dill nai wo nahi suna...shayad main terai liye nahi bani houn .
.par kahina khain main khud ko nahi samjhe pari ki main kisai pyar kar ti houn

Befejezett forditàsok
Török sen bni seviyordun...
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Dán Dit barn klarer sig rigtigt godt i skolen
Dit barn klarer sig rigtigt godt i skolen
til mor

Edit done "klare" --> "klarer" according to gamine's suggest /pias 080828.

Befejezett forditàsok
Török ÇocuÄŸunuz okulda çok iyi.
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Német Am Fenster
Einmal wissen dies bleibt für immer
Ist nicht Rausch der schon die Nacht verklagt
Ist nicht Farbenschmelz noch Kerzenschimmer
Von dem Grau des Morgens längst verjagt
Einmal fassen tief im Blute fühlen
Dies ist mein und es ist nur durch dich
Nicht die Stirne mehr am Fenster kühlen
Dran ein Nebel schwer vorüber strich
Einmal fassen tief im Blute fühlen
Dies ist mein und es ist nur durch dich
Klagt ein Vogel, ach auch mein Gefieder
Näßt der Regen flieg ich durch die Welt
Flieg ich durch die Welt

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol By the window
Görög Στο παράθυρο
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Spanyol solo espero que me quieras como yo te quiero, no...
si me dices que sí, te amare hasta el infinito y mas allá.

Befejezett forditàsok
Török sadece umuyorum ki sen de beni, benim seni istediÄŸim kadar istiyorsundur
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Francia Information sur les délais de livraison. Lorsque...
Information sur les délais de livraison.

Lorsque que votre colis sera remis à notre transporteur, le délai moyen d'acheminement peut varier en fonction de votre localisation de 2 à 5 jours ouvrés . Si dans un délai de 7 jours ouvrés à partir de notre date d'expédition, vous ne recevez ni colis, ni avis de passage, nous vous recommandons de vérifier auprès du bureau de Poste le plus proche de chez vous, si le colis n'est pas en instance. Contactez votre service clients.

Il s'agit d'une traduction d'une partie d'un email envoyé avec nos colis à partir de notre site pour lequel nous avons développer plusieurs langues.

Site :

D'avance merci.

Befejezett forditàsok
Német Information über Lieferzeiten. Wenn...
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Német description
Glänzen Sie mit Diamanten auf dem Tisch. Der Mini Teller mit den ungewöhnlichen Linien und einem edlen Design eignet sich für kleine alltägliche Genüsse oder ausgewählte Köstlichkeiten. Bereiten Sie nicht nur Ihrem Gaumen einen Genuss.
british english

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol description
17Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".17
Francia declaration fıscale
montant déclaré au titre de la retraite du régime général de la sécurité sociale : 1913 euros

<edit> "montant declare au titre de la retraite du regime general de la 1913 euros securite sociale" with "montant déclaré au titre de la retraite du régime général de la sécurité sociale : 1913 euros" </edit> (02/25/francky)

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol fiscal declaration
Török mali bildirim
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Albán ckemikushuriri im? si te kam? urojte jesh mire me...
ckemikushuriri im? si te kam? urojte jesh mire me shendet dhe pune. me kap eqeshura kur kujtoj sa kena qesh te daja, nje dite para se te niseshe ne itali. O GOCA KAM FRIKE- thoje ti hahahaha. Je i papare. te perqafoj shume.

Befejezett forditàsok
Olasz come stai cugino mio? ti auguro di stare bene di
Francia Comment vas-tu mon cousin ? Je te souhaite d’aller bien...
Angol How are..
Orosz Как поживаешь, мой кузен?
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Portugál O amor
O amor

O amor é isto
Também é aquilo...
O amor é muito e às vezes pouco
O amor não chega!
Às vezes enfarta
O amor perfuma
E às vezes maltrata!
O amor sufoca
Mas às vezes liberta
O amor é para ti
Também o é para mim
Por isso chega para nós...
O amor embala e desperta
Se o amor é morte,
Também é vida o amor!
Ai o amor…
O amor és tu!
Por favor, solicito a tradução para uma versão de Espanha e não da América Latina. Justifico este pedido por haver grandes diferenças, como certamente saberão. Muito grato!

Befejezett forditàsok
Spanyol El amor
16Nyelvröl forditàs16
Angol Agnes Obel / Riverside
Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone
Where you won’t see any rising sun
Down to the river we will run

When by the water we drink to the dregs
Look at the stones on the riverbed
I can tell from your eyes
You've never been by the Riverside

Down by the water the riverbed
Somebody calls you somebody says
swim with the current and float away
Down by the river everyday

Oh my God I see how everything is torn in the river deep
And I don't know why I go the way
Down by the Riverside

When that old river runs past your eyes
To wash off the dirt on the Riverside
Go to the water so very near
The river will be your eyes and ears

I walk to the borders on my own
To fall in the water just like a stone
Chilled to the marrow in them bones
Why do I go here all alone

Down by the Riverside
You can listen to the song over there:

But... the translations have to:
1) Convey the same emotions as the original
2) Rhyme as much as possible
3) Have the same amount of syllable as possible

In other words, the text's integrity is not paramount here; it's more about writing something that could be sing over the real song without sounding weird.


Befejezett forditàsok
Francia Agnes Obel / Riverside
Spanyol Ribera
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