Hi duguit!
I had a look at the French translation, and I think you should change "legato" with "fedele".
In Italian,
fedele can be referred both to people and things.
- A person is "fedele" when you can trust it because that person shows honesty, loyalty and devotion towards you. We call "fedeli" also people who support and follow a "leader" (that can be represented by a person or a religion).
- Something is "fedele" when it's not false and it matches perfectly the truth.
Ex. "una testimonianza fedele" > "a faithful testimony"
legato means literally "bound, tied by something material". When referred to people, it can also mean that they're clumsy in their movements.
We also say "legato da un vincolo" when someone has made a promise to somebody else and he has to respect it.
What do you think, dear? Which one match the meaning best?