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Oprindelig tekst - Serbisk - Da li se moguce da se nas dvoje sretnemo? Zeleo..

Aktuel statusOprindelig tekst
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: SerbiskRumænsk

Kategori Fri skrivning - Kærlighed / Venskab

Da li se moguce da se nas dvoje sretnemo? Zeleo..
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af ALFAEYE
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Serbisk

Da li se moguce da se nas dvoje sretnemo? Zeleo bih da te vidim... Ovde sam slucajno zalutao i tebe ugledao... Dopadas mi se... Stvarno to se mislim... Srce mi jako kuca u ovim jutarnjim satima...
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Corrected caps to small font/Freya
Senest redigeret af Freya - 7 December 2010 10:10

Sidste indlæg


8 April 2008 12:19

Antal indlæg: 2102
Hi, can you make a bridge in English here? Thank you, appreciate it.

CC: Roller-Coaster

8 April 2008 13:46

Antal indlæg: 930
Here it goes:

Is it possible for two of us to meet? I would like to see you... I came here accidentally and saw you... I like you... I really mean that... My heart is ticking really fast in this morning hour...

8 April 2008 18:01

Antal indlæg: 2102
Thank you, quickly as usual. You will get the points.

6 December 2010 21:36

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972

CC: Freya

7 December 2010 06:29

Antal indlæg: 1910
Hi. Nothing to do here. My colleagues did a good job. The original in Serbian is in caps, but I shouldn't change it...

You called me for smth else?

CC: lilian canale

7 December 2010 10:03

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
It was about the caps, yes. Remember I told you that we would eventually ask you to correct some originals?

CC: Freya

7 December 2010 10:05

Antal indlæg: 1910
I thought you mean only Romanian originals, but it's OK.

7 December 2010 10:51

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
OMG! I think I really need a break!

You are right, I don't know why I thought that was Romanian. I guess it was because I saw Iepurica's post and automatically linked the expert to the source. Anyway either Serbian or Romanian are alien languages to me. I could hardly identify the difference

Sorry for that. I'll be more careful next time.

CC: Freya

7 December 2010 10:57

Antal indlæg: 1910
Break needed indeed! ^_^ Anyway, I wrote the text correctly, Google didn't give any strange words when I translated it into English. It wasn't very confortable for me though... It's OK now.