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Oversættelse - Tyrkisk-Engelsk - YARdım pleasss . <---------------------------------------

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YARdım pleasss . <---------------------------------------
Tilmeldt af turkeyy34
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Tyrkisk

selam ? nasılsın ? beni hatırladınmı ? birara hani konuşmuştuk sonra sen yada ben seni eklicektim ama unuttum tekrar buldum seni şaka gibi.. ekliyorum seni busefer kesin


Oversat af ÅŸeyda88
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

Hi,how are you? Do you remember me? We have talked once. Then you or I were going to add each other to our contact lists. But I forgot it. I found you again. Just for fun. I am absolutely adding you to my contact list this time.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Some sentences were like meaningless so I changed their structure but the meaning is same.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 2 Februar 2009 23:17

Sidste indlæg


31 Januar 2009 13:54

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Hi ÅŸeyda88,

What do you mean by "Just like a joke"?

Could it be: "Just for fun" or "Just by chance"?

1 Februar 2009 13:57

Antal indlæg: 14
Yes. It will be better then, thank u.

1 Februar 2009 15:56

Antal indlæg: 3769
Hi ÅŸeyda88,

Then you and I were going ....>Then you or I were going .....

"Just for fun" will be more better.

I am adding you absolutely to my contact....

1 Februar 2009 19:35

Antal indlæg: 43
I would not translate saka gibi like by chance, but more like as a joke of for fun

1 Februar 2009 22:59

Antal indlæg: 14
hi merdogan, i thought it would be better if i say it "you and i" because it was more meaningful to me. But if it is not correct, i can change it. What do you think?

1 Februar 2009 23:05

Antal indlæg: 3769
Hi ÅŸeyda88,
"yada" means for me "or".
and please use "I" for "i".

2 Februar 2009 00:57

Antal indlæg: 22
Translation of "ÅŸaka gibi" should be more accurate but since it is an idiom, I don't have better solution. May be it could be "just like a joke" or "like a joke". It seems silly, isn't it?

edit: You guys decided to make it "just for fun". It is OK.

2 Februar 2009 12:19

Antal indlæg: 14