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Oversættelse - Albansk-Engelsk - Po ku jeni ju goca shqiptare.

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Po ku jeni ju goca shqiptare.
Tilmeldt af Oddi
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Albansk

Po ku jeni ju goca shqiptare.

Where are you now Albanian girls?

Oversat af gamine
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

Where are you now Albanian girls?
Senest valideret eller redigeret af gamine - 28 December 2010 14:53

Sidste indlæg


5 Marts 2009 13:19

Antal indlæg: 3389
According to Lora, under the Dutch translation, it should be plural (Albanian girls). If this is not the case, please let me know and I'll correct the Dutch translation!

5 Marts 2009 13:24

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Hi Inulek, could you check what the original says? Is that "girl" or "girls"

CC: Inulek

5 Marts 2009 13:40

Antal indlæg: 4611
According to the source language "pike" is singular.
In Plural it's "piker".

5 Marts 2009 16:55

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Inulek also thinks it should be plural (she sent the answer in a PM), so I'll edit and accept Lene, OK?

5 Marts 2009 17:42

Antal indlæg: 4611
Ok, you decide, as always.

5 Marts 2009 17:58

Antal indlæg: 4611
Lilian. In this case the Norwegian translation must be changed: "Albaniske piker".

5 Marts 2009 19:13

Antal indlæg: 8114
Hello Lene,
I can do that for you ..since I also got that tool Should it be corrected ---> "HVOR ER NI NÃ… ALBANSKE PIKER?"

5 Marts 2009 23:32

Antal indlæg: 4611
To be honest I don't know because I translated after the Norwegian one where it's written "du".
But I think you should write NI to put all in plural. Thanks Pia.

6 Marts 2009 08:27

Antal indlæg: 8114
Done Lene!

28 December 2010 17:01

Antal indlæg: 3769
Albanian girl,where are you now?