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346 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Amitiés de vacances Dear all,
Thank you for your email and a lot of photos. I am apology to reply thie letter so late, please don't mind.
We have great time in this trip, the Mont St. Michel and castle tour of Loire River are fantastic and we visited Monet Garden in Giverny, it's great. Of course, the best thing is we met you in Colmar.
Wish all the best for you two, my dear friends.
Best Regards, Starry
Përkthime të mbaruara Amitiés de vacances | |
254 gjuha e tekstit origjinal la simplicitée de Caton Cato scripsit villas suas non tectorio esse perlitas atque postea addidit:"Neque mihi aedificatio, naque vas, naque vestimentum ullum est pretiosum; si quid est quo uti possim, utor, si non est, facile careo. Mihi vitio quidam vertum, quod multis egeo; ego illis vitio verto quod nequeunt egere. Përkthime të mbaruara la simplicité de Caton | |
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157 gjuha e tekstit origjinal vandalism « Graffiti artists should be prosecuted to stop what is essentilly vandalism. It is not art is just pollutes our landscape and makes it look untidy. » do you agree ?
200-300 words
Përkthime të mbaruara Vandalisme | |
347 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Un retour tragique Romani avantes ac gratulantes Horatium accipiunt, et domum deducunt. Princeps ibat Horatius, trium fratrum spolia prae se gerens. Illi obvia fuit soror, quae sponsa fuerit uni ex Curantiis, visoque super humeros fratris paludamento sponsi, quod ipsa confecerat, flere et solvere crines coepit. Movit ferocis juvenis animum complotario sororis in tanto gaudio publico : itaque gladio transfexit puellam. Përkthime të mbaruara Un retour tragique | |
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