Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Nakala asilia - Kiyahudi - תמצית רישום ממרשם האוכלוסין אישור בקשה לעיון...

Hali kwa sasaNakala asilia
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo: KiyahudiKiromania

תמצית רישום ממרשם האוכלוסין אישור בקשה לעיון...
Nakala ya kutafsiriwa
Tafsiri iliombwa na mdane1970
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kiyahudi

תמצית רישום ממרשם האוכלוסין

אישור בקשה לעיון ברישומים המנוהלים במאגר המשטרה
24 Disemba 2007 19:08

Ujumbe wa hivi karibuni


8 Aprili 2008 12:21

Idadi ya ujumbe: 2102
Would you be so kind and do a bridge in English for me, here? Usually I donate half of the points to teh expert that helps. Thank you very much.

CC: milkman

8 Aprili 2008 13:10

Idadi ya ujumbe: 773
Hey, I can usually help but this time I don't know how to say the specific terms in English. You should try david whose English is much better...

8 Aprili 2008 19:35

Idadi ya ujumbe: 2102
Ok, thank you very much.

9 Aprili 2008 17:10

Idadi ya ujumbe: 2102
Would you be so kind and do a bridge in English for me, here? milkman said he can not help me and suggested to ask you instead. Would you mind?

CC: dramati

10 Aprili 2008 21:05

Idadi ya ujumbe: 972
Let me see...looks like the translation would be something like this:
תמצית רישום ממרשם האוכלוסין
A condenced list from the census registration.
אישור בקשה לעיון ברישומים המנוהלים במאגר המשטרה

Permission request (or alternatly a request for permission) to (scrutinize or reference) the lists (managed or administrated) by the police repository.

This translation is divided into two parts as I have listed above. In the ( ) I have listed possible alternatives for the Hebrew words describing the process. I hope this will be of some assistance.

10 Aprili 2008 23:43

Idadi ya ujumbe: 2102
Thank you very much. It helped, now I just have to find the right Romanian words. Legal ones.