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59 Lugha ya kimaumbile Eu estou bem Eu estou bem. Sinto muito a tua falta vou esperar pela tua volta. Beijos Text corrected, before: "Eu estou bem sinto muito atua falta vou espera por a tua vouta.beijos" Tafsiri zilizokamilika Jag mår bra... | |
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206 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". Per chi la AMA, per chi la VIVE, per chi ci è... Per chi la AMA, per chi la VIVE, per chi ci è NATO,per chi ci ha STUDIATO, per chi a trascorso qui le sue FERIE e per chi ne è FIERO ...e per chi in qualsiasi posto sia del mondo, ha la propria metà del cuore ancora ad ALBENGA...si questo è un vero INGAUNO. Brittienglanti Tafsiri zilizokamilika Ingauno | |
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227 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". I Love The Way (Lyrics by Gabriel Antonio) Go Dumb Twerk Dance, I like it like that, Hey GirL, How ya doing, What's your name Lil Lady, Gucci Prada, What You Want Pretty Lady, There she go ridin with some boy shorts on, Driving Her Car and Singing This Song, Turn it all the way up, Like they do in the clu song lyrics by Gabriel Antonio Tafsiri zilizokamilika ÃŽmi place aÅŸa (versuri de Gabriel Antonio) | |
180 Lugha ya kimaumbile Förlåt, jag vet vad jag lovade dig hemma. Tror... Förlåt, jag vet vad jag lovade dig hemma. Tror vi missuppfattade varandra. Jag ville bara att D. skulle få hälsa på sina kompisar. Allt blev så fel. Ledsen för det, trodde att det var okej då du hälsat på dom i Söderhamn. Male name (D.) abbrev. /pias 081205. Tafsiri zilizokamilika özür dilerim... | |
288 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". In telecommunication, a non-return-to-zero (NRZ)... In telecommunication, a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) line code is a binary code in which "1s" are represented by one significant condition (usually a positive voltage) and "0s" are represented by some other significant condition (usually a negative voltage), with no other neutral or rest condition. The pulses have more energy than a RZ code. there are a few technical abbreviations and you dont have to translate it Tafsiri zilizokamilika Telekominikasyonda, NRZ... | |
291 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". Colgado en tus manos Quizá no fue coincidencia encontrarme contigo, Tal vez esto lo hizo el destino. Quiero dormirme de nuevo en tu pecho Y después me despierten tus besos. Tu sexto sentido sueña conmigo Se que pronto estaremos unidos. Esa sonrisa traviesa que vive conmigo Se que pronto estaré en tu camino ... Cuidado, cuidado que mi corazón esta colgando en tus manos El text es parte de una canción de Carlos Baute y Marta Sánchez Tafsiri zilizokamilika В ръцете ти | |
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362 Lugha ya kimaumbile Realism from Brazil However attempts to adapt the European Realist novel to Latin America were,at best, marginally succesful. Balzacian tales of young men struggling to rise in society made little sense in hierarchical Latin America. Machado was one of the few writers who could have told such a tale ; but to do so would have been to refute the tenets of positivism by unmasking his racial and class origin.
A CHAPTER OF HATS AND OTHER STORIES Tafsiri zilizokamilika roman | |
193 Lugha ya kimaumbile adam simth The greatest improvement*17 in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment with which it is any where directed, or applied, seem to have been the effects of the division of labour. adam smith Tafsiri zilizokamilika adam simth | |
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