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145 Kaynak dil de tradus Mi dispiace devo andare via Ma sapevo che era una bugia Quanto tempo perso dietro a lui Che promette e poi non cambia mai Strani amori mettono nei guai Ma, in realtÅ•, siamo noi Tamamlanan çeviriler de tradus | |
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362 Kaynak dil Above, is a picture of one of Daft Punk's album... Above, is a picture of one of Daft Punk's album covers. This is a picture of the group Daft Punk walking down a street in France. The suits they wear, as shown above, are to hide there identity, so that they do not attract unwanted attention from the media. This picture was taken in the 1990's, when Daft Punk was a very widely known group throughout the world and it was then that they reached the height of their popularity. French from Québec. Tamamlanan çeviriler Au-dessus se trouve une photo d'une des........ | |
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228 Kaynak dil propratno pismo Postovani,za konkurs sam saznala preko www.bestjobs.com. Mislim da moje kvalifikacije i dodatna znanja odgovaraju zahtevima navedenog radnog mesta.Dodala bih da sam komunikativna,ambiciozna,odgovorna i organizovana, Nadam se da cemo ostvariti saradnju. Sa postovanjem Tekst je propratno pismo koje mi je potrebno radi konkurisanja za posao Tamamlanan çeviriler Dear Sir or Madam... | |