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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
Portekizce Passei para desejar uma ótima viagem.Curta...
Passei para desejar uma ótima viagem.Curta bastante suas férias.Milhões de beijos!
Uma amiga minha irá viajar para a França e quero enviar uma mensagem, em francês,desejando-lhe uma boa viagem.

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Fransızca Je voulais juste...
İngilizce I just passed by to wish you a good trip.
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İngilizce Collect photos of all 890 UNESCO World Heritage memorials
Collect photos of all 890 (dated: 2009-07-30) UNESCO World Heritage memorials. But other photos of yourself at some uncommon places are great too :)

The appended chip is a USB thumb drive. No need for a card reader.

Please reveal in your logs how many photos are on the stick currently, how many memorials have been done already and how much free space is still on the stick.
This is the description of a travel bugs goal. Google for "geocaching" if you don't know what a travel bug is.

German translation is:

Sammle Fotos von allen 890 (Stand: 30. Juli 2009) UNESCO-Welterbedenkmälern. Aber auch andere Fotos von euch an ungewöhnlichen Plätzen sind gerne gesehen :)

Der angehängte chip ist ein USB Stick. Es wird kein Kartenlesegerät benötigt.

Bitte gebt in euren Logs an wieviele Fotos bereits auf dem Stick sind, wieviele Gedenkstätten schon fotografiert wurden und wieviel freier Speicherplatz noch auf dem Stick vorhanden ist.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Rusça Соберите фотографии всех 890 памятников мирового наследия ЮНЕСКО
İspanyolca Junta las fotos de tlos 890 monumentos del patrimonio mundial de la UNESCO
Fransızca Photos des mémoriaux du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
Portekizce Reúna fotos de todos os 890 monumentos do património mundial da UNESCO
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İngilizce Istanbul's Hapless Heart
Joining the Hapless Heart directing team for Istanbul is a German director of Turkish heritage, Kaya Cueneyt. Kaya co-wrote & directed a major feature with Hans Weingartner (who has worked with German talents such as Daniel Bruhl & Moritz Bleibtreu). Kaya Cueneyt's first feature with Weingartner is to premiere early next year and stars Julia Jentsch (Oscar-nominated Sophie Scholl).

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe Ä°stanbul'un Bahtsız Kalbi
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Brezilya Portekizcesi Lute com calma, vença com honra!
Lute com calma, vença com honra!

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Latince Cum tranquillitate pugna, cum honore vince!
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
Japonca 私もあなたを愛して
Esta eh a forma de leitura do texto. Não sei exatamente qual alfabeto japonês esta sendo utilizado nesta frase. Pode ser tanto o Kanji ou Katakana...obrigado desde ja.

before edit:
"Watashi mo anata o aishite"
English bridge:
"I love you too, and..."

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Brezilya Portekizcesi Te amo também
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
Brezilya Portekizcesi não paro de pensar em você meu amor
não paro de pensar em você meu amor

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Hollandaca denk aan jou
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İngilizce Follow me , I´ll follow you
Follow me , I´ll follow you
Follow me, I´ll follow you

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Latince Sequere me, te sequar.
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Lehçe Moja siÅ‚a zyciowa to to, w co wierzÄ™.
Moja siła zyciowa to to, w co wierzę.
W moim zyciu to w co wierze daje mi sile. Moje przekonania napedzaja mnie i daja mi moc w zyciu.Moja sila to to, w co wierze.

<bridge for evaluation>
"The power of my life is what I believe in" <Aneta B.>

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Latince Vis vitae meae
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Fransızca et dire qu'après tout le mal que tu m'as fait, je...
Et dire qu'après tout le mal que tu m'as fait, je rêve que tu me fasses l'amour dans un lit ou sous la douche.

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Türkçe Ve bana...
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Fransızca Bonjour, le 13/09 j'ai passé une ...
Bonjour, le 13/09 j'ai passé une commande sur votre site pour l'article xxx taille m et effectué un transfert depuis ma banque le lendemain avec pour note "sipariş n xxxxx. Votre compte étant pour ma banque à l'étranger cela a pris quelques jours et mon compte a été débité de 46,60€ en votre faveur, le 17, mais le site m'a indiqué par la suite "Sistemde kayıtlı siparişiniz bulunmamaktadır." Étant donné que j'ai payé l'article, ainsi que les frais de port, serait-il possible de le recevoir dans les plus brefs délais. Pour mémoire, mon n° de commande était le xxxxx, mon identifiant sur le site est xxxx, l'article commandé était xxx en taille M et vous avez reçu le transfert sur le compte xxxxx le 17/09 depuis mon compte xxxxx, du crédit agricole.
D'avance merci.

Cordiales salutations,
je fais une réclamation auprès d'un site ou j'ai passé ne connais pas précisément les règles de politesse d'usage en turquie alors je me suis abstenue d'en mettre dans le message, si vous pouviez m'aider a rajouter celles qui conviennent cela serait très gentil.merci

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Türkçe Merhaba...
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İngilizce The number of executions in the United States...
The number of executions in the United States dropped 12 percent in 2010, and the number of people sentenced to die is nearing historic lows, a report from an anti-capital punishment group says.

The Death Penalty Information Center attributed the reductions to changing attitudes toward capital punishment, but acknowledged there have also been problems with the availability of chemicals used in lethal injections.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe ABD'de Ä°dam Cezaları
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
İtalyanca Salutami la tua sorellina
Salutami la tua sorellina
Sorellina= sorella più giovane

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Give a hello to your little sister
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İngilizce It´s all about love.
It´s all about love.
Need it for a tattoo

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Latince Omnia de amore sunt.
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Türkçe birbirimizi kandırmayalım
birbirimizi kandırmayalım

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Let's not fool ourselves
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Bulgarca Винаги напред,никога назад!
Върви винаги напред, никога назад!
за превод на иврит нека бъде в женски РОД.

Правилата повеляват заявките да са под формата на цяло изречение, т.е. да има глагол. Затова е добавен такъв допълнително. Via Luminosa

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Go always forward, never backward!
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
İngilizce stranger lovers
some people are meant to fall in love with each other.... but not meant to be together
i need to know meaning only

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Türkçe ilginç aşıklar
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