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754 Język źródłowy Aux Arbres Citoyens Le ciment dans les plaines Coule jusqu'aux montagnes Poison dans les fontaines, Dans nos campagnes
De cyclones en rafales Notre histoire prend l'eau Reste notre idéal "Faire les beaux"
S'acheter de l'air en barre Remplir la balance : Quelques pétrodollars Contre l'existence
De l'équateur aux pôles, Ce poids sur nos épaules De squatters éphémères... Maintenant c'est plus drôle
Puisqu'il faut changer les choses Aux arbres citoyens ! Il est grand temps qu'on propose Un monde pour demain !
Aux arbres citoyens Quelques baffes à prendre La veille est pour demain Des baffes à rendre
Faire tenir debout Une armée de roseaux Plus personne à genoux Fais passer le mot
C'est vrai la terre est ronde Mais qui viendra nous dire Qu'elle l'est pour tout le monde... Et les autres à venir...
Plus le temps de savoir à qui la faute De compter la chance ou les autres Maintenant on se bat Avec toi moi j'y crois - Lyrics from Yannick Noah's song "Aux Arbres Citoyens" - I'm not necessarily looking for a word-to-word translation (particularly if the result sounds awkward), but something that would really express the environment-friendly message of the song to people speaking other languages. Don't be afraid to be creative ;) - "Aux arbres citoyens", for instance, refers to "Aux armes citoyens", the French national anthem. You could find something that works with the anthem of the country whose language you're translating to (and we might have alternatives when that language is spoken in more than one country), or, when it's not possible, find a nice way to express the idea in that language without necessarily using the anthem theme. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCH_Fw0qYJs :)
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti. http://romanian.typeit.org Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.
Ukończone tłumaczenia Onward to the trees, citizens! A los árboles ciudadanos Às à rvores cidadãos Στα δÎντÏα όλοι αδελφοί! å‘ç€æ£®æž—å‰è¿›ï¼ŒåŒèƒžä»¬ï¼ Vorwärts bis zu den Bäumen, Bürger! Dell'elmo di Scipio si fa una foresta VatandaÅŸlar aÄŸaçlara doÄŸru Put hrašća graÄ‘ani La arbori cetăţeni Naprzód aż do drzew, obywatelu /mieszkaÅ„cu/! ×ª×¨×’×•× ×”×©×™×¨ Naar de bomen, burgers! إلى الأشجار ØŒ أيّها المواطنون! Armet Qytetareve Вперед к деревьÑм, граждане | |
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6 Język źródłowy Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie". inocente inocente a palavra inocente inocencia em hebraico ou aramaico Ukończone tłumaczenia ×—×£ מפשע | |
34 Język źródłowy "minha mãe, minha vida" e também se poss~ivel a... minha mãe, minha vida. mãe, amor eterno. Bom Dia,
Gostaria que traduzissem as frases, pois queria muito fazer uma tatuagem com uma das duas, portanto segue abaixo as frases:
"minha mãe, minha vida" e também se possÃvel a frase: "mãe amor eterno"
Bruna Seminate ------------------------------------------------ ADMIN's NOTE :
×מ×, ×הבה × ×¦×—×™×ª.
"mea mater, mea vita" ΜητÎÏα μου, ζωή μου Maman, amour éternel. أمي, Øياتي | |
202 Język źródłowy Process flow chart SOPP The procedure provides detailed instructions for Microbiology services as offered by regional laboratories. It may be adopted or adapted by any laboratory as needed, provided that such adaptations use an evidence-based validation process. Ukończone tłumaczenia stroomgrafiek SOPP van het proces.. | |
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3 Język źródłowy Nomi Nomi Will somebody please help me writing my daughters name in Hebrew? Thanks!! Ukończone tłumaczenia × ×¢×ž×™ | |
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119 Język źródłowy Yahveh Shamá Adonay Elohim El Elyon Shofar... Yahveh Shamá Adonay Elohim El Elyon Shofar Yahveh Jireh Yahveh Nissi El Shaday Yahveh Rafá Baruch HaShem Shalom Alechem Adonay Eloheinu Os temos acima destacados estão escritos em português, entretanto, correspondem à lÃngua hebraica. Gostaria que eles fossem escritos de conformidade com o alfabeto hebraico. Ukończone tłumaczenia ×ž×™×œ×™× ×‘×¢×‘×¨×™×ª! | |
23 Język źródłowy Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie". be careful what you wish for be careful what you wish for quero o siginificado dessa frase para fazer uma tatuagem e tbm quero a grafia em arabe e em hebraico.....ex:الØب***ךְפָ×ֵל Ukończone tłumaczenia היזהר ממש×לותיך | |
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362 Język źródłowy Alcoholic hepatitis Alcohol has long been associated with serious liver diseases such as hepatitis — inflammation of the liver. But the relationship between drinking and alcoholic hepatitis is complex. Only a small percentage of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis, yet the disease can occur in people who drink only moderately or binge just once. And though damage from alcoholic hepatitis often can be reversed in people who stop drinking Ukończone tłumaczenia הפטיטיס ×לכוהולי Hepatite alcoolica (cirrose hepática) Hepatitis alcohólica | |
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