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Tłumaczenie - Francuski-Angielski - la caisse de retraite

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: FrancuskiAngielskiTurecki

la caisse de retraite
Wprowadzone przez Francky5591
Język źródłowy: Francuski


Je vous prie de bien vouloir vous renseigner auprès de la caisse de retraite qui s'occupait de votre époux.

Nous ne connaissons pas les formalités à remplir pour bénéficier d'une pension de reversion.

Respectueuses salutations,

Pension fund

Tłumaczone przez turkishmiss
Język docelowy: Angielski


Please inquire at the pension fund which was concerned with your husband.

We do not know the formalities to follow to receive benefits from a widow survivor's pension.

Best regards,
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez kafetzou - 24 Maj 2007 16:27

Ostatni Post


24 Maj 2007 12:02

Liczba postów: 118
I think that "form" means the paper you fill out for least in movies, is what most of the time is pronounced ... isn't?
Somebody could clarify this for me please?

24 Maj 2007 12:09

Liczba postów: 12396
I shall edit with "Widow survivor's pension ", which is specific to this situation described above. but rest of the translation is good.

24 Maj 2007 12:10

Liczba postów: 871
Sorry, but it seems I am again the one with a different opinion.

Don't know what "pension de reversion" really is, but the word my dictionary gives for "reversion" is a legal term meaning ~recovery.

Maybe she has failed to apply for his late husband's pension to be paid to her. Widows at least in Finland are entitled to that. When applied and accepted the payments will come to her (in the future). But it leaves the problem with the time before the application. She is entitled to get that money too but maybe has to fill in another kind of application. (here automatically paid for the time past also)

Maybe: pension recovery or maybe Francky could explain the "pension de reversion"?

24 Maj 2007 13:25

Liczba postów: 972
In Italian as well we call widow's pension "pensione di reversibilità", so I think the meaning here is right. On the contrary, I would say "formalities" instead of "forms".

24 Maj 2007 14:47

Liczba postów: 7963
You can't "fill out" a "formality" in English - only a "form". Is there some other possible meaning for "remplir"?

Maybe "we do not know the procedures required to receive ..."?

24 Maj 2007 14:51

Liczba postów: 12396
No, no, "reversion" in French is the pension a widow gets from her deceased husband's retirement incomes (or a widower from his deceased wife's retirement incomes).
I definitly think this translation is right the way it was edited.

24 Maj 2007 15:24

Liczba postów: 972
Remplir is not only "to fill out" : remplir une charge, remplir son devoir, remplir ses engagements, remplir une mission, remplir un rôle, remplir l'attente, remplir une condition, remplir le but...

24 Maj 2007 15:26

Liczba postów: 7963
apple, you didn't say what you thought of my suggestion above (24 May 2007 14:47).

24 Maj 2007 15:43

Liczba postów: 972
Sorry, kafetzou, I think that the meaning of your suggestion is right, but I don't know if that is the only way to say it in English. Literally "remplir" would be here to fulfill, to accomplish, to execute, to carry out, to meet, to follow, to conform.
But I don't know how it sounds in English.

24 Maj 2007 15:59

Liczba postów: 7963
I changed it to "formalities to follow".