Cucumis - Servei gratuït de traducció en línia
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Traducció - Turc-Anglès - selam canım gönderdiÄŸin mailleri tam olarak...

Estat actualTraducció
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: TurcAnglès

Categoria Carta / E-mail

La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat"
selam canım gönderdiğin mailleri tam olarak...
Enviat per arkad2000
Idioma orígen: Turc

selam canım gönderdiğin mailleri tam olarak anlayamadığımdan tercüme yaptırıyorum sana gerekli cevabı yarın yazacağım seni bulunduğun zor durumdan kurtaracağım bana güvenebilirsin seni seviyorum bülent

Hi my darling,

Traduït per kamil67
Idioma destí: Anglès

Hi, my darling. Since I couldn't understand the emails you sent to me very well, I am having them translated. I will send the answer you requested, tomorrow. I will rescue you from that bad situation you are in. You can trust me.
I love you,
Darrera validació o edició per lilian canale - 17 Abril 2008 17:49

Darrer missatge


16 Abril 2008 00:15

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Hi kamil,

This one is much better, however there are still a few details to correct.

"Hi, my darling. I couldn't understand the emails which you sent to me. So, I am having them translated. I will write to you tomorrow. I will rescue you from that bad situation. You can trust me.
I love you, Bülent."

If it was only one email, then the first sentence should read:

..."I couldn't understand the email which you sent to me. So I am having it translated."

16 Abril 2008 17:50

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Kamil, please correct your text.
Thank you.

16 Abril 2008 19:18

Nombre de missatges: 2132
Hi Lilian,
"Mailler" is plural.

you didn't translate "gerekli cevabı" and "bulunduğun".

17 Abril 2008 02:44

Nombre de missatges: 5
thank you lilian ı love you

17 Abril 2008 04:51

Nombre de missatges: 2132
May be :
Hi sweetheart, as I wasn’t able of precisely understanding the emails you sent to me, I have somebody make the translation. I will write you the requested answer tomorrow. I will rescue you from that bad situation you were, you can believe me. I love you.

precisely = tam olarak
requested answer = gerekli cevabı
you were = bulunduÄŸun

I have somebody make the translation : I'm not sure about this part.
Lilian, could you help please? The meaning in French is "je fais faire la traduction."

17 Abril 2008 05:18

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Hi guys,

I guess that's it.
Miss that "bad situation you are in" is due to the fact that he will rescue her from it, so she must still be in a bad situation. Don't you think? Otherwise the sentence wouldn't make sense. If I say "you were" means that she is not in trouble anymore. So what will he be rescuing her from?
See what I mean?

17 Abril 2008 05:21

Nombre de missatges: 2132
Yes Lilian you are right, It's ok.